Page 82 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 82
last judging appointment at rings. However, for the record who misused ringside videoing,
Bournemouth in 2019. Roy 21 Amalek ETTs have gained the practise is now frowned on
wrote “My first entry into the their Champion title here in at shows and has gone out of
show ring was at Brighton & Britain and worldwide, winning favour.
Hove Championship Show over 100 CCs here. I consider
with my Saluki in 1968. Over that my own ‘personal best’ My first judging appointment
the years we have owned and was to achieve 5 CCs plus a was at Cheltenham & District
bred a variety of breeds before Group 4 at Midland Counties in CS in 2000. I have judged
ETTs became my passion with 2012 with our home bred bitch Toy and Standard Manchester
the arrival of Joruben A Touch Ch Amalek Can’t Buy Me Terriers in the USA. This
Of Class at Amalek, our Love. coming Bournemouth show will
cornerstone brood bitch, who be my 6th Championship Show
quickly gained her title and also For a good 20 years or so I appointment and I do hope that
produced Champion offspring. took videos of the ETT classes fair weather and fortune will
I was very pleased that our at most of the Championship favour all exhibits.”
decisions to import stud dogs shows and I do believe that
from New Zealand, Australia the ability to replay and study Thank you for the many years
and USA, have not only been conformation & movement, you dedicated to the breed for
a boon to our own ‘Amalek’ over and over again and in the benefit of others.
kennel but have helped several slow time, to compare to the
other breeders improve on Breed Standard, gives one an Rest in Peace Roy.
their lines – what it is all about outstanding insight into the
surely; not just breeding for breed. Unfortunately, due to
ephemeral wins in the show the activities of some people
Terry Burgess era of the “House of Dobrugh”, and Ch Dobrugh Look Whos
(Dobrugh) Terry Burgess passed away. Talking. With Audrey Ensor he
Four years after Dominic campaigned Dobrugh How
by Paul Conway
Browne, his life and soul Sweet It Is,she gained 2 CCs
On the 8th Dec 2020 it was end mate. To know them was an including Crufts. But, present
of an era ,a very flamboyant experience. Dominic was more day people will know him for
the stay at home entertainer the lovely Ch Sharex Burning
where Terry liked being in the Love With Dobrugh, co owned
ring. They bred and owned with Dominic and the Williams
champions in the utility and sisters. I was honoured to
toy groups and judged the toy award her the CC, her first
group at championship show and Best of Breed from the
level. Both judged various puppy class at Ladies Kennel
breeds at Crufts and Terry’s Association.
last appointment was Shar Pei
in 2019. There journey into the The flame has gone out now,
English Toy Terrier world came but Terry and Dom are back
from a lovely bitch Debrita together where they belong.
Dyanna of Dobrugh from Tina
and Dawn Dixon. Over the
years they made up 2 stunning
males Ch Dobrugh Take That