Page 10 - Housing
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The Irish Refugee Council can advocate to help you get on the council housing list that you want to apply for. But unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that you will be accepted, and in places like Dublin, we have not seen someone accepted without a local connection.
2.2 Income Thresholds:
● Youneedtomakeunderacertainamountofmoney,aftertax,to get on a Council Housing List, i.e. make under the ‘Income threshold’.
● Themoneyyoureceive–byworking/socialwelfare–mustbe equal to or below the ‘income threshold’ limit in your county.
● Thelimitscanbecomeaproblemforlargerfamilies.Makesureto add all the money your family makes to see if you qualify. If you are over the limit, you may need to put older children on their own separate housing application.
     Maximum Net Income Threshold – single person
   Maximum Income Threshold – 3 adult & 4 child family 1
Cork City Dublin Councils Galway City Meath
Kildare Wicklow

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