Page 30 - Swsthya Winter Edition Vol 1 Issu 3 DEC 2020 Circulation copy BP
P. 30
Finally: Best Lens vs. Best Candidate… Is it for you?
Advice prior to contemplating cataract surgery
We all experience cataracts as we age (though cataracts may be
congenital, after trauma, or inflammation). When the cataracts
affect our lifestyle (driving, reading, etc.) we may need cataract
surgery. It involves removal of the cloudy lens and replacement
with an artificial crystal-clear lens (Intraocular Implant or IOL).
Cataract Surgery with IOL is one of the most common surgical
procedures on the planet. After surgery you will not need glasses
for driving or watching T.V., but you may need glasses for close
work. If you do not mind this, you do not need to read any further.
But, if you would like to be independent of glasses, even for reading,
you have a choice of having multifocal presbyopia correcting Dr VK Raju, M.D., F.R.C.S., F.A.C.S.
lenses. There are many kinds of lenses and the technology keeps
Clinical Professor, Dept of Ophthalmology
on improving.
West Virginia University, USA
Ophthalmologist, Regional Eye Associates
If you are a perfectionist; this may not be for you. The technology
President and Founder, Eye Foundation of America
for these lenses is continually evolving, in fact, there are multiple
President and Founder, Goutami Eye Institute
lenses on the market. Discuss this with your Surgeon. Ask her/him Clinical Professor, West Virginia University
questions. This may be the best thing you could have done for Director, International Ocular Surface Society
your eyes. Adjunct Professor, GSL Medical School
COVID-19 Vaccine
Ayurveda practitioners allowed to perform surgeries
The Government of India has a purpose that helps set boundaries gets official approval
announced authorisation for the by specifying the list of procedures
post-graduate practitioners in so that practitioners restrict
specified streams of Ayurveda themselves to the set of surgical On 2nd December 2020, the UK
to be trained to perform surgical procedures as mentioned in the government have authorised the Pfizer/
procedures such as excisions regulation BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine after receiving
of benign tumours, amputation According to the November 20 independent advice of medicines regulator.
of gangrene, nasal and cataract gazette notification, the procedures
surgeries. listed include removal of metallic The government has today accepted the
India’s statutory regulatory body, the and non-metallic foreign bodies recommendation from the Independent
Central Council of Indian Medicine from non-vital organs, excision of Medicines and Healthcare products
issued the notification listing 39 the simple cyst or benign tumours Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to approve
general surgery procedures and (lipoma, fibroma, schwannoma etc) Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine for use.
around 19 procedures involving of non-vital organs, amputation
the eye, ear, nose and throat by of gangrene, traumatic wound
amending the Indian Medicine management, foreign body removal This has followed months of rigorous
Central Council (Post Graduate from the stomach, squint surgery, clinical trials and a thorough analysis of
Ayurveda Education) Regulations, cataract surgery and functional the data by experts at the MHRA who have
2016. endoscopic sinus surgery. concluded that the vaccine has met its strict
The instruction that the Indian According to the INAS agency, the standards of safety, quality and effectiveness.
Medicine Central Council (Post Indian Medical Association has
Graduate Ayurveda Education) been openly opposing such policy The advice for the priority groups to
Regulations, 2016, in regulation to mix modern medicine with the receive the vaccine, include care home
10, after sub-regulation (8), the traditional systems of Ayurveda, residents, health and care staff, the elderly
following sub-regulation shall be Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, and the clinically extremely vulnerable. q
inserted, namely -- During the Siddha, and Homoeopathy (AYUSH)
period of study, the PG scholar as advocated by the central
of Shalya and Shalakya shall be government of India
practically trained to acquaint with Rajan Sharma, President, IMA, had
as well as to independently perform earlier stated that an integrative
the following activities so that after system of medicine would create
completion of his PG degree, he a “khichdi medical system” and
is able to perform the following would produce hybrid doctors.
procedures independently. Many leading apex body of private
According to the Chairman of the practitioners of modern medicine
Board of Governors, CCIM, Vaidya had also condemned the Centre’s
Jayant Devpujari these surgical ambitious ‘one nation one system’
procedures are already being policy in medical education and
performed in Ayurveda institutes called it a ‘cocktail of disaster’.
for over 20 years. It is claimed that Swasthya editorial team welcomes
the notification legalises these with views and comments on this issue.
30 Volume: 1 I Issue: 3 I 2020