Page 26 - Swsthya Winter Edition Vol 1 Issu 3 DEC 2020 Circulation copy BP
P. 26


         Role of Robotics in
         Orthopaedic Surgery:

         Will they give better outcomes?

         A Sinha FRCS(Tr & Orth)

         Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

        Introduction                        but cutting is deactivated by some means if   structure, joint alignment and surrounding
                                            it travels beyond a boundary (NAVIO). The   tissue. It provides real-time range-of-motion
        Robots have been in use since  the late   current  robotic systems are designed and   data during surgery and uses a robotic arm
        1980s  in different surgical  specialities.   may be classified based on these features.  to remove the bone and cartilage from the
        The  first  use  was  PUMA  (Programmable                               knee and place the implant.
        Universal Manipulation Arm) in 1985 for a   Specific Indications
        neurosurgical biopsy .  Robotic technology   Unicompartmental knee replacement  Smith & Nephew already has a hand-held
        in Orthopaedic surgery began in 1992, with                              robotic surgical  system on the market. It
        the introduction of ROBODOC . This was for   Specifically,  the  use  of  tactile  and  passive   recently introduced new software for that
        the planning and performance of total hip   robotic systems in unicompartmental knee   system, known as the Navio 7.0 for partial
        replacement. The use of  robotic systems   replacement  (UKR) has addressed some   and total knee replacements.
        has subsequently increased, with promising   of the historical mechanisms of failure of
        short-term radiological  outcomes  when   non-robotic UKR.  These  systems assist   Johnson  &  Johnson’s DePuy Synthes
        compared with traditional  orthopaedic   with increasing accuracy of the alignment   acquired the Paris based Orthotaxy system
        procedures. The skeletal  anatomy lends   of the components and produce more   in 2018. According to their brochure, “It’s
        itself well  to preoperative planning,   consistent  ligament  balance.  Short-term   is the size of a  shoebox,  attaches to an
        intraoperative registration and navigation.  improvements in clinical  and radiological   operating table and includes a saw, but does
                                            outcomes have increased the popularity of   not do the sawing for the surgeon. Instead,
        Classification                      robot-assisted UKR .                the Orthotaxy  platform  will  design  the
                                                                                surgery plan and lock the saw into a plane,
        Robotic systems can be classified into three   There are several  studies, which endorse   allowing the surgeon to do the cutting.”
        categories:  autonomous  (active),  semi-  Robotic-assisted medial UKR results. In one
        active and passive. The  active system can   recent study two hundred and six patients    The ROSA knee platform (Zimmer Biomet)
        independently perform  tasks without the   (232  knees)  who  underwent medial   includes 3D pre-operative planning  tools
        surgeon’s  intervention, as they are  pre-  robotic-assisted UKR  were retrospectively   and  real-time  data  on tissue and  bone
        programmed  for  bone  resection.  The  first   studied . Femoral  and tibial  sagittal   anatomy during  procedures.  This  can
        active system in use in Orthopaedics  has   and coronal  alignments were measured   improve bone cut  accuracy and result  in
        been  the ROBODOC .  Once  programmed   in the post-operative radiographs and   a  more precise  range  of motion analysis,
        the surgeon could not interfere during   were compared with  the  equivalent   which can  help  knee replacements  feel
        the surgical  procedure. The semi-active   measurements collected during the intra-  more natural.
        systems  robots  constraint  surgical  operative period by the robotic system.
        manipulation  through feedback to restrict   Mismatch between pre-planning and post-  Initial  outcomes  have been promising
        what  can  be  done surgically. The MAKO   operative radiography was assessed against   but  we must await long-term  results
        Robotic-arm assisted surgery (Stryker) is   accuracy of the prosthesis insertion.  with  respect to clinical  outcomes and
        in use  in current times . Passive  surgery                             survivorship.  The  costs  are  an important
        systems, which  represent a third type of   The  results  showed accurate prosthesis   factor, as the hardware may require regular
        technology, have also been adopted recently   position.  Inaccuracy may be attributed  to   updates. There is also increased radiation
        by orthopaedic surgeons, in particular   suboptimal cementing technique.  to patients with the need of imaging.
        arthroscopic  shoulder  surgery. While
        autonomous systems have fallen  out  of   Total knee Replacement (TKR)  Total Hip Replacement (THR)
        favour, tactile  systems  with technological
        improvements have become widely used.   Clinical  studies  in total  knee arthroplasty   Acetabular  component placement  in total
                                            have demonstrated  better  gap balancing   hip arthroplasty is  key to this surgery.
        Robotic bone cutting  can  be designed   and implant alignment using the ROBODOC   The semi-active robotic systems allow the
        into 3 types. The autonomous  variety is   system  compared  with  conventional  surgeon to control the robotic arm to ream
        independent  and cuts bone without  the   techniques . While the ROBODOC system   the  acetabulum  to  a  specified  depth  and
        human intervention (e.g. ROBODOC).  In   is  no longer  in use, there  are  now new   size,  without  having to sequentially ream
        the haptic type, the surgeon allows  the   robotic systems in the market.   larger acetabular sizes. Accurate acetabular
        robot to move and cut, but the movement                                 component placement  can  reduce the
        is constrained as soon as it  reaches  the   The  MAKO system devised  by Stryker   likelihood  of  dislocation, leading to  fewer
        border (e.g. MAKO system). In the boundary   is  considered  the leading system robot-  revision  procedures . Long-term follow-
        control variety, the surgeon’s intervention   assisted knee and hip surgery. This robot-  up  at  14 years demonstrated no stem-
        is required to move the robot and then it   assisted system develops a 3D model of the   loosening failures,  less pain, and lower
        remains free to move anywhere in space   joint, which surgeons use to evaluate bone   Western Ontario and McMaster Universities

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