Page 22 - Swsthya Winter Edition Vol 1 Issu 3 DEC 2020 Circulation copy BP
P. 22


         History of Robotic Surgery and

         Current Applications of Robotics

         Dr Santoshi J Nagaonkar
         MB, MS, DNB (General Surgery)
         DNB (Genito-urinary Surgery)
         FRACS (Urology), Fellow European Board of Urology
         Consultant Urologist and Robotic Surgeon
         P D Hinduja National Hospital, Mumbai INDIA

         The revolutionary  industrialisation took   •   Stabilisation of instruments within the   robotically. Other surgeries  which could
         place after the end of II world war and the   surgical field           be benefited in reducing the morbidity by
         major turn-around was introduction of   •   Mechanical advantages over traditional   using the daVinci system are thymectomy,
         Robotics in engineering.  However, it took   laparoscopy               LIMA/ RIMA retrieval, MVR etc.
         another half century for medics to identify   •   Improved ergonomics for the operating
         and explore its usage in the field of surgery.  surgeon                Otorhinolaryngology/Head  and  Neck
                                                                                Surgery:  Preliminary  data of  transoral
         Dr  Cloud Abbou, a French  urologist   Across multiple surgical specialties, robotic   robotic  surgery indicate its utility  for
         performed   the   first   ever   Robotic   surgery  was felt  to offer  the greatest   resections of benign and malignant lesions
         Prostatectomy. Dr  Mani Menon, another   advantage  in complex  reconstructive and   of the pharynx and larynx.  Oncologic
         urologist from Detroit pioneered and   oncological processes.          resections  of the supraglottis,  tonsil and
         popularized this technique.                                            tongue base have been shown to be feasible
                                             The potential advantages of robotic surgery   with  potential  advantages  compared
         ‘Robota  ’ is a Czech  word which means   extend across  many different surgical   to traditional  approaches.  Preliminary
         “forced  labour”  coined  by a playwright,   subspecialties.           evidence  indicates that  these advantages
         Capek.                                                                 may include avoidance of mandibulotomy,
                                             Urology: While the most mature outcomes   avoidance of tracheostomy, decreased
         Asimov’s three laws-                data in the field of robotics are for radical   operative time, reduced  requirements for
                                             prostatectomy, robotics may also offer   complex  reconstructions,  and avoidance
         1.  1. A robot may not injure a human   advantages for  cystectomy, pyeloplasty,   of  external  excisions.  Transaxillary
             being, or through inaction, allow  a   nephrectomy  (partial,  complete  and  thyroidectomy has been proven to be an
             human being to come to harm (Zeroth   donor)  and  ureteral  reimplantation.  effective method in patients  who remain
             Law).                           Robotic surgery may ultimately replace   conscious of having a neck scar.
                                             open surgery for some complex urological
         2.  2. A robot must obey the orders given   procedures.                Pediatric Surgery: Over 50 different types
             to it by human beings except where                                 of abdominal and thoracic procedures have
             such  orders  would  conflict  with  the   Gynecology:  Robotic  surgery  has  been performed in pediatric patients.
             First Law.                      shown  promise in hysterectomy for both
                                             benign and malignant  disease,  as well  as
         3.  3. A  robot  must  protect  its own   myomectomy. In myomectomy, the robot
             existence as long as such protection   may provide substantial benefit by allowing
             does  not  conflict  with  the  First  or   minimally invasive fertility sparing options.
             Second Law.                     It is also beneficial for tubal reconstruction.
                                             The robot may provide potential advantages
         Though Leonardo DaVinci has been credited   for pelvic reconstructive surgery.
         in conceptualising and fine printing the first
         ever  scientific  sketch,  the  idea  of  having   General  Surgery: Procedures where it
         a mechanical labourer  was thought well   may be of particular  value  include Heller
         before that by Chinese and Indians.  myotomy, paraesophageal hernia  repair,
                                             gastric bypass, gastric resection for
         Worldwide to-date, over   5000 daVinci   neoplasm, biliary reconstructive surgery,
         systems have been installed  and the total   transhiatal  esophagectomy, transthoracic
         number of  robot-assisted  procedures   esophageal surgery, distal pancreatectomy
         performed  worldwide are approaching   with splenic preservation, and selected
         over 2 million.                     colorectal procedures.
         Current Scenario and Clinical Applications  Thoracic Surgery: Robotic surgery offers
         Advantages of surgical robots-      clear  benefits  in  the  resection  of  solid
         •   Superior  visualisation  including  thoracic tumors, particularly those located
             3-dimensional imaging of the operative   in the apex of the chest. Benign or malignant   Leonardo da Vinci and Dissection
             field                           esophageal tumors may also  be resected

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