Page 20 - Swsthya Winter Edition Vol 1 Issu 3 DEC 2020 Circulation copy BP
P. 20


        (C) Medtronics                                       approach  (26)
        Medtronics  Hugo RAS (Robotic assisted  surgery)  is  still
        awaited to be launched in market. Key features claimed by  Partial nephrectomy
        Medtronics about this system are flexibility and universal
        use for both key hole and open surgeries ( ; apart from this  Partial nephrectomy is the surgical modality of choice for
        an open console with the autofocusing monitor. The robotic  small renal masses   . This procedure involves renal artery
        arms are comparable to human arms having of seven joints  clamping; hence, time is a crucial factor in the procedure
        with serial kinematics. Robotic arms are driven by micro-  to minimise  the warm ischemia  time. Traditional open
        motors, with option of tactile feedback via potentiometers  approach is more morbid because  of large  incision and
                                                             can have longer hospital stays and delayed  recovery  and
                                                             problem with the laparoscopic approach is longer warm
        Radical prostatectomy                                ischemia.  Robotic surgery  is  an ideal answer  to mitigate
                                                             these challenges with a shorter artery clamping time and
                                                                           (28,  29)
        This is a well-known procedure for the treatment of localised  early recovery   . In fact, the learning curve for  the
        prostate cancer and the number of surgical procedures is  robotic approach is significantly lower than its counterpart

        increasing because of increasing diagnosis of prostate cancer  (15–25cases compared with 100–150 for laparoscopic)  (30) .
        thanks to improved awareness and widespread availability
        of screening tests. Although, laparoscopic procedures  Several modifications have been proposed for robotic partial
        have overcome the morbidity associated  with the open  nephrectomy such as safely omitting cortical renorrhaphy
        procedures, the primary limitation was the limited spaces   . Similarly, a new technique  using a dye  named
        in  pelvis  which  leads  to  difficulties  in  performing  vesico-  Indocyanine green (ICG) is a potential aid to robotic partial
        urethral anastomosis. Introduction of robotics has overcome  nephrectomy as it helps in real-time identification of renal
        the problems associated with restricted manoeuvrability.  mass, renal vasculature and tumour margin   . By this it can
                                                             help in minimizing the ischemia time by allowing selective
        With 3D perception and jointed laparoscopic instruments  clamping. Some provided evidence that it can be beneficial
        giving 7  degrees  of  articulation,  the da Vinci  framework  in improved perioperative and oncological outcomes  . It
        gave the ideal combination of the magnified advantages and  can be an adjunct especially in difficult cases with impaired
        minimally invasive feature of laparoscopy with the dexterity  renal function or challenging vascularization   .
        of an open surgery   . The robotic radical prostatectomy
        is  now a widely accepted  and well  established surgical  Interestingly,  the increased cost of the  robotic  approach
        procedure of choice  and emerging as a frontrunner for  is counter-balanced  by the reduced  hospitalisation and
                                                      (15,  16)              (35)
        radical  prostatectomy in well-resourced nations   .  complication rates   .
        Undeniably,  the  main  benefit  is  a  shorter  learning  curve
                                                   (17)      Radical cystectomy
        compared with laparoscopy is a boon to surgeons   .
        The  technique of  robotic prostatectomy has undergone  Radical cystectomy and urinary diversion with pelvic lymph
        significant improvisation to accomplish superior oncological  node dissection is the standard of care for muscle-invasive
        and functional  results with a better  understanding of  the  and  high-risk  superficial  bladder  cancer.  Traditionally,
        neurovascular  anatomy  . Various studies have shown  open surgeries remains a highly morbid procedure with a
        the  benefits  of  preservation  of  neurovascular  bundle  on  delayed recovery. Menon et al reported the initial series of
        improved  post-operative erectile and orgasmic  function  nerve spare robotic radical  cystectomy in 2003   . Since
          . Gulfano et al has  proposed  the new technique  of  then, there are a number of studies have been published on
        robotic radical prostatectomy approach named as Retzius-  robotic cystectomy but still level 1 evidence confirming the
        sparing robotic  radical  prostatectomy which has recently  superiority over conventional approach remains unproven
                        (20)                                 (37,38,39)
        gained popularity   . In the Retzius (posterior) approach,   . The current evidence states that although the robotic
        continence and erectile function can  be recovered early;  approach achieves  better  results  in terms  of  blood loss
        however, higher positive surgical margin is the main concern  and  hospital  stay,  oncological  outcomes and  good quality
                                 (20, 21)
        with the posterior approach  .                       lymphadenectomy are equivalent only as compared to open
        Apart  from  this,  several  other  modifications  has  been
        proposed  for robotic prostatectomy to achieve early  Although in the initial  series  of robotic approach,
        continence which have been eased  by robotic system  extracorporeal approach was used for the urinary diversion,
        namely-   bladder  neck   preservation/reconstruction,  modern surgeries involve the intra-corporeal approach with
                                                                                 (36, 41)
        preservation of urethral length, peri-urethral suspension and  an equivalent outcome   .
        reconstruction, pubo-prostatic ligaments preservation and
                                        (22) . Despite this, Level  Robot-assisted pyeloplasty
        limited endopelvic-fasica dissection
        1 evidence comparing robotics surgery and laparoscopic/
        open surgeries has been limited. Asimakopoulos etal  has  The open dismembered pyeloplasty has been the standard
        compared laparoscopic  and robotic prostatectomy and  of care for pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction, with a high
        reported  significantly  better  erectile  function  recovery  success rate (>90 %)   .  Minimally invasive alternatives
        in the robotic arm  but  no difference  in perioperative and  have been tried to reduce the morbidity associated with open
        continence outcomes   .                              approach such as balloon dilatation and endopyelotomy but
                                                             success rates of only 60-70%  .  Laparoscopic pyeloplasy
        Follow-up studies also shown similar results in these arms  has been proven as a standard treatment for pelvi-ureteric
        with some superiority of robotic arm, however, still a robust  junction obstruction with less morbidity and good outcome.
                                                    (24, 25)
        randomised study is required for level 1 evidences  .  Robotic technique has also been tried  for  that  but  the
        Although controversial, some studies  claim  that  risk of  outcomes were statistically similar as with the laparoscopic
        positive surgical  margin  is less after robotic  assisted  approach although the learning curve is much shorter with
        radical prostatectomy as compared to laparoscopic or open  the robotic technique   .
        20      Volume: 1 I  Issue: 3 I  2020
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