Page 37 - Swsthya Winter Edition Vol 1 Issu 3 DEC 2020 Circulation copy BP
P. 37


        Adjusting Care for Older Cancer Patients

        During the COVID-19 Outbreak:

        the SIOG Recommendations

        Professor Riccardo A. Audisio, MD, PhD(Hon), FRCS, FEBS
        SIOG Past President
        Department of Surgery
        Institute of Clinical Sciences
        Blå Stråket 5
        Sahlgrenska University Hospital
        Göteborg, Sweden
                                                                                          Prof Riccardo A. Audisio
        Dr. Nicolò Matteo Luca Battisti
        Clinical Research Fellow in Medical Oncology
        Department of Medicine - Breast Unit
        The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
        London, United Kingdom
        Dr Anna Mislang, MD, FRACP
        Flinders Centre for Innovation in Cancer
        Flinders Medical Centre
        Bedford Park, South Australia

        Short resume:                         bearing the highest burden of malignant   benefits of the decision to undertake cancer
                                              disease (one in two cancer is detected   treatment. During the pandemic it becomes
        The  COVID-19  pandemic poses  several   after age 65).                 even more imperative that such approach
        challenges and distresses primarily senior   2.  It is possible to prioritise those patients   is  followed  to avoid  the risk  of over-  or
        adults,  the age-group  predominantly   demanding active oncological treatment   under-treatment and minimise the risk of
        affected by cancer.                   by means of Geriatric Assessment tools.  adopting an ageist approach.
                                            3.  Advantages  and drawbacks of active   To this purpose the International Society of
        A careful evaluation of each elderly patient   cancer treatments  should be  tailored   Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) has established a
        by means of  a Geriatric  Assessment  is   according to a  holistic and  patient-  panel of experts with the aim of developing
        mandatory, in order to avoid over-treating   centred approach.          a consensus and making recommendations
        frail  and vulnerable  patients,  while not                             on numerous aspects of cancer care specific
        under-treating fit individuals.     The COVID-19  outbreak  has been  posing   to this age group  .
                                            numerous challenges, affecting people
        Several geriatric-focused issues have been   from all over the world, ethnicity, literacy,   Older  age and cancer  diagnosis  are
        recognized,  which might affect the senior   religious orientation, but  there is no   predictors  of  negative outcomes  of  the
        cancer  patient  beyond  the malignant   doubt  that  senior adults  are the most   COVID-19 infection. In this setting a careful
        tumour: feeling of  estrangement  due to   severely affected group. Amongst them are   Geriatric  Assessment  (GA) is particularly
        limited access to friends/family; decline   numerous cancer patients, since more than   valuable  to assist decision-making.  GA
        in communication and comprehension   one in two malignant tumours affect people   may assist estimating  physiologic  reserve
        from wearing masks and facial  shield,   aged 65-year and above.        and  adaptive capability,  assessing  risk-
        more particularly so for hearing-impaired                               benefits of either providing or temporarily
        patients who rely on lip reading and non-  COVID-19  represents another competing   withholding treatments,  and determining
        verbal  cues;  increased  dependency  on   risk  factor  to take into account  when   patient preference to help inform treatment
        others to provide basic needs such as drugs,   undertaking therapeutic decisions  for   decisions. In a resource-constraint setting
        food and home supplies.             senior adults with cancer. The presence of   during a pandemic, frailty screening tools
                                            chronic  conditions  such  as cardiovascular   may be administered remotely to identify
        An expert panel established by SIOG has   disease,  diabetes,  chronic respiratory   patients requiring  a more Comprehensive
        been set in place to develop a consensus   disease,  chronic  renal  impairment,  GA.
        and make recommendations on aspects of   and  cancer present worse  outcomes,
        cancer care in this age group.      particularly for  those  patients with 3  or   Therapeutic  decisions  should favour the
                                            more comorbidities. In many older cancer   most effective and less  invasive approach
        Key messages:                       patients  where management  could be   with the lowest risk  of  side  effects. In
                                            challenging,  the risks of  morbidity and   selected cases, this might require deferring
         1.  The senior adults are mostly distressed   mortality  from acquiring  COVID-19 must   or omitting  surgery, radiotherapy or
           by the COVID-19  pandemic  besides   be considered  when  assessing  risks  and   chemo/immunotherapy especially when

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