Page 38 - Swsthya Winter Edition Vol 1 Issu 3 DEC 2020 Circulation copy BP
P. 38


        benefits  are  marginal  and  different   high risk procedures.         significant challenges.
        therapeutic options are available, and may
        be safer.                           Decision-making should be patient-centred,   Radiotherapy is a valid treatment however
                                            taking  into account  the potential  risk of   radiation dosage and fractionation should
        Further research is needed to expand our   pursuing, delaying or omitting surgery,   be optimised and adapted to the pandemic
        knowledge on how best to manage cancer   the most curative treatment  strategy. It   context. Hypofractionated regimens  and
        in older adults. The pandemic has produced   has been repeatedly proven how ASA and   shorter schedules may be preferable in the
        barriers: efforts should be made to ensure   ECOG-Karnofsky  are unsatisfactory in   curative setting.
        prospective data is  collected  to elucidate   predicting treatment outcomes.
        the outcomes of COVID-19 in this age group.                             Conversely, a  shorter course  of adjuvant
        Local and national  health  organizations   Aside  patients’  fitness  and  the  number/  RT (26 Gy in 5 fractions) is also non-
        attempted to minimize viral transmissions   severity of comorbidities which may   inferior to a standard regimen of 40 Gy in
        and allocate resources  for  primary  and   influence the postoperative course, health-  15  fractions  for  patients with early-stage
        secondary  prevention, including home   carers  should consider  tumour  related   breast cancer  and could be considered as
        confinement and social distancing of cancer   factors  as well  as the presence  of cancer-  an alternative option in order to minimise
        patients, limiting their hospital visits when   related symptoms, besides risks associated   the risk of exposing older  patients to the
        the risk of acquiring COVID-19 is high, and   to the operation itself.  viral  infection. Modest  hypofractionation
        reducing iatrogenic immunosuppression                                   could also be considered for early prostate
        and treatment-related toxicities.   Most elective surgical procedures can be   cancer patients.
                                            delayed safely, in view of reducing the
        Several  geriatric-focused issues  have   risk of  COVID-19  infection. In the case of   In the palliative setting, patients should be
        been  identified  as  a  result  of  an  imposed   cancer surgery, the definition of “elective”   offered the smallest number of fractions to
        quarantine  and  social distancing; these   is entirely dependent on the biology of the   minimise  the number of visits to hospital
        include (a) feeling of  estrangement,   disease  and the symptoms  generated  by   and consequently the risk of exposure .
        loneliness and neglect  due to limited   the tumour. There is no doubt  that  those
        access to news or information, friends   procedures aiming  for a  rapid relief of   RT should be delayed in the absence of any
        and  family,  particularly when access to   symptoms (e.g. obstructions of the GI tube)   significant impact on cancer outcomes. On
        digital technology is lacking; (b) decline in   or to minimize neurological complications   the other hand, in case of curative intent
        communication  and  comprehension  not   (e.g. spinal  metastases and hip erosions   or  rapidly progressive disease,  the risks
        only due to isolation but also from wearing   due to secondarisms) should be prioritised.   of delaying RT will  outweigh the risks of
        masks and facial shield, more particularly   On the  other  hand, surgical treatment  of   COVID-19 exposure and infection. Patients
        so for hearing-impaired patients who rely   non-invasive  tumours (e.g. ductal in-situ   already undergoing RT should be offered a
        on lip reading and non-verbal cues; (c) loss   carcinoma  of the  breast)  can  be  delayed   discussion about the risks and benefits of
        of  autonomy and ensuing dependency  on   since these are unlikely to impact  on   continuing  it based on individual  goals  of
        others to satisfy basic needs such as drugs  survival.  The  risk of  tumour progression   care.
        supplying, food and other home provisions   with a delayed  radical surgery  should
        due to travel restrictions or lack of access   also be balanced against the availability of   The potential  tumour  control  offered by
        to  transportation. On the other  hand,   resources, including operating theatres that   systemic treatment is unchanged during a
        community support  for  seniors  such  as   may been converted in Intensive Care Units   pandemic, whereas risks may be increased,
        cleaning, shopping and home maintenance   (ICUs), the local ICU capacity, the number of   especially for  those  regimens causing
        to aid them cope with daily life have also been   available anaesthetists, the risk of surgical   myelosuppression  or  requiring  frequent
        disrupted.  Therefore, several  disabilities   complications and the expected time to   visits to hospital  therefore increased
        become a major handicap, which may lead   recovery. There is evidence that operating   infection exposure. The balance  of harms
        to an increased risk of institutionalisation.   older patients with a confirmed COVID-19   and  benefits  remains  uncertain  as  there
        Institutionalised patients, such as those in   infection exposes them to a higher 30-day   is  no  evidence  to  suggest changing or
        the nursing care facility are at higher risk   risk of death  .         withholding it. Therefore, decision-making
        of acquiring COVID-19 infection, increased                              should be  individualised on the tumour
        feeling of abandonment, as well as mental   On the  other  hand, there is  a window of   biology, the type of therapy, the patients’
        health problems  [2,3] .            opportunity which allows considering neo-  general health status and his/her very own
                                            adjuvant  and  less toxic  treatments  such   preferences.
        The impact of social isolation as a result of   as endocrine  therapy or  radiotherapy, as
        recommendations on physical  distancing,   a mean to delay surgery in selected cases:   Geriatric Assessment  has proven  reliable
        excessive risk of delirium with limitations   under certain circumstances, the omission   in predicting toxicity in older patients; its
        in its management, and decisions regarding   of surgery may be appropriate in case   implementation is particularly appropriate
        anticancer treatment, are important issues   the impact on symptoms  and survival   in the context  of the ongoing COVID-19
        to assess and pro-actively address.  is minimal,  or when a  safe and  effective   pandemic. The Cancer and Aging Research
        The risk of delirium is high as well  as   alternative therapeutic option is available.   Group (CARG) model takes into account age,
        underestimated:  when  the current status   This  is  the case of  primary  endocrine   type of cancer, the proposed chemotherapy
        of hospitals  and other healthcare settings   therapy for older patients with early-stage   regimen, renal  and hematologic function,
        are becoming more “deliriogenic”  and   ER-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer.  hearing,  along  with GA domains  such  as
        visit times are   restricted, staff members   In a similar way, the use of radiation therapy   ability to take medications, physical activity
        are required to wear personal protective   in older  patients should  be prioritised   and social activity  . The  Chemotherapy
        equipment  (PPEs);  patient  interaction  is   according  to  the  expected  benefits  and   Risk Assessment Scale for High age (CRASH)
        also minimized  to avoid  exposure  . In   the tumour biology,  within  the  context   is  based  on  the  specific  chemotherapy
        these times, it  is paramount  to evaluate   of  patients’  fitness  and  preference.  In  the   regimen being considered  as well  as
        and stratify the risk of delirium in patients   older age group, travelling  constraints,   laboratory  values (creatinine, albumin,
        who are candidates for chemotherapy and   daily hospital visits and patients’ concerns   haemoglobin,  lactate  dehydrogenase,
        surgery since both treatments can become   regarding  exposure  may  represent  liver  function tests)  and assessments  of

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