Page 43 - Swsthya Winter Edition Vol 1 Issu 3 DEC 2020 Circulation copy BP
P. 43
Corporate Mental Health
– the new paradigm in mental health
Dr Avinash De Sousa
Consultant Psychiatrist and Founder Trustee,
Desousa Foundation, Mumbai
he World Health Organization defines appraisals, feedback, competition, meeting reduced and recovery can be accelerated.
positive mental health as “a state of deadlines and constant improvements are The well-being of employees ensures
Twell-being in which every individual only some of the enormous pile of stressors constant performance, less absenteeism,
realizes his or her own potential, can that we encounter at the workplace. productivity and success for the employee
cope with the normal stresses of life, can The working space, context of work, and the organization, and in the larger
work productively and fruitfully, and is and interpersonal relationships are also picture, for an economy.
able to make a contribution to her or his unavoidable factors that impact the mental Unfortunately, it is not an issue that
community.” health of employees. is addressed by the Mental Health Care
Positive mental health can be promoted In today’s global economy, mental Act 2017 and nor are there any policies
and maintained by various ways. It requires health is an essential driver for successful that account for the same. Nevertheless,
a health living, supportive environment, business, and there are many reasons why workplace mental health is an important
good health, sound working environment employers should make the promotion of aspect of a working individual’s life and
and several other little things that are a part mental health in the workplace, a priority. overall well-being. With time larger number
of our daily lives. In the share of the cost of occupational and of companies are getting open to the idea of
Similarly, positive mental health is also work-related diseases, mental illnesses accommodating to address mental health
affected by several factors which belong to have a share of 7% on a global level. within the working place. Although it is
our daily living as well. Workplace is one of Therefore, mental health is a pressing issue difficult to quantify the impact of work on
the crucial factors among many. in its own right. personal, social and psychological well-
According to the National Alliance An oft-discussed topic is that of work- being, it is agreed. Workplaces can offer
on Mental Illness, “Work is at the very life balance. It emphasizes the need for several measures to promote psychological
core of contemporary life for most people, individuals to create a healthy balance well-being and positive mental health, such
providing financial security, personal between work (career and ambition) and as:
identity, and an opportunity to make a lifestyle (health, pleasure, leisure and 1. Flexibility in working hours and giving
meaningful contribution to community life.” family). employees the option to work from
The workplace of an individual has a It is a fluid concept and a very home, as and when possible
significant impact on his or her mental well- individualized balance that one creates for 2. Introducing and encouraging breaks
being, and there is a growing awareness themselves depending on a lot of factors like from work that are conducive to social
about this fact. In his book “Work, — personality, profession, family demands, interactions
Unemployment, and Mental Health,” Peter along with other environmental factors. A 3. Making employer and employee
Warr has stated that gainful employment sound health (physical and mental) plays a relationships more open and friendly
provides five categories of psychological very crucial role in determining one. 4. Advancing career development and
experience that promote mental well-being: Globalization and the advances in career mapping for freshers and old
1. Promotion workplace technology have resulted in employees to keep steady growth
2. Time structure (an absence of rapid changes in the nature of work across 5. Offering in-house counselling for
time structure can be a significant different fields. This affects the content, employees — addressing both personal
psychological burden) organization and intensity (quality and and organizational problems
3. Social contact quantity) of the work of an employee, 6. Involving employees in the process of
4. Collective effort and purpose which increasingly requires more skills decision-making
(employment offers a social context and competency regarding innovation, 7. Recognizing and rewarding the
outside the family) communication and social intelligence. contribution of employees
5. Social identity (employment is an While these changes are rewarding for
essential element in defining oneself) employees, they can also mean that With the increasing prevalence of
6. Regular activity (organizing one’s daily employees experience more pressure mental disorders, workplace mental health
life) and stress. The increase in workload is an essential need in the time of increasing
demands upon their cognitive, social and stress.
Even as we keep the above points in psychological skills which have a direct Additionally, the stigma around mental
mind, it is important to note that mental impact on their mental well-being. health can be reduced by employer support
health problems are among the most Therefore, mental health is crucial: to employees that can start a discussion
important contributors to the burden of both for the formation of these skills and around mental health. Organizations
disease and disability worldwide. their efficient use in the workplace. have slowly taken up the responsibility to
It is estimated that five of the ten Mental health problems can affect support individuals with mental disorders
leading causes of disability around the anyone, of any age, culture, socio-economic at the workplace. There have also been
world are due to mental health issues. status and background. However, with questions where the question of a ‘mental
Unfortunately, the impact of mental health adequate support, most people can and health leave’ (parallel to sick leave) has
disorders on employee productivity has do recover. By making changes to the come in the picture. Though it does not
long been underestimated, even though the workplace environment, and offering form a uniform policy privilege, the debate
workplace is where one spends most of their support to employees, the duration and around it has begun. The culture of talking
professional life. We live in a world where severity of mental health issues can be about mental health is slowly taking place
Volume: 1 I Issue: 3 I 2020 2020 I Volume: 1 I Issue: 3 43