Page 47 - Swsthya Winter Edition Vol 1 Issu 3 DEC 2020 Circulation copy BP
P. 47


        introducing  measures such as complete   Not being  able  to meet their  category patients) had to be shut down
        lockdown,  cessation of  international  loved  ones also instills a general  due to lack of patients.
        and domestic travel as well as ensuring  sense of mistrust among patients and   However, the troubles are far from
        and other initiatives to cope with  the  their relatives. All  of this leads to a  over. As we prepare for the second wave
        pressures  on the  health system and  corrupted  doctor-patient relationship.  of the infection in winter, an unforeseen
        controlling the spread of the virus.  Maintaining the trust and confidence of  complication has arisen. Patients who
             As if the diagnostic and logistical  the patients as well as their attendants  had apparently recovered from the
        challenges  of COVID-19  were not  was another  challenge  for  the Indian  infection have begun experiencing what
        enough, India also had to face many  healthcare systems.                has been dubbed post-COVID sequelae.
        therapeutic challenges. Drug  therapy   The absence of attendants also  A persistent cough and breathlessness,
        for COVID-19 was not only costly, but  creates  certain logistical  problems. It  associated  with  fibrotic  changes  in
        many drugs  also  required  the import  became  increasingly  difficult  to  keep  lung  parenchyma, are  occurring  in a
        of raw materials from other countries  them abreast of the clinical course of the  large number of previously recovered
        or were not  manufactured in India.  patient, to obtain consents for invasive  patients.  Since  the  pathogenesis
        With  international  trade in complete  procedures  or  to procure medicines  and exact  treatment  of  post-COVID
        shutdown,  this was a major obstacle  for patients.  Most importantly,  it  was  fibrosis is a matter of active research,
        that required  a quick solution.  The  an enormous task to obtain a reliable  management of these patients remains
        demand for supportive therapy in  clinical  history of the patient  if he/  an  onerous task.  It  has also  not  yet
        the form of multivitamins, zinc etc.  she was disoriented or unconscious.  been reliably demonstrated whether
        also saw a sudden upsurge during the  These  hurdles were overcome over  infection with the virus  provides
        pandemic. This was soon met by the  time through change in clinical practice  lasting  immunity. Hence,  there can
        increase in indigenous production by  by an increased emphasis on objective  be no relaxation in safety protocols
        local pharmaceutical companies, which  laboratory  parameters  and physical  during the second wave, which will
        resulted  in an uninterrupted supply  examinations rather than  history  be a huge economic and psychological
        nationwide.                         taking.                             burden upon our country. The lack of
             COVID-19   has   often  been       Though it  is ranked much lower  an effective vaccine is another setback
        described   as    a    “predictably  than Western  countries  in terms  in our battle against this virus.
        unpredictable”  disease  due to its  of health  infrastructure, India has   COVID-19  has wounded  our
        inconsistent clinical  course.  To date  reported one of the lowest mortality  country through its impact  and  has
        no reliable  parameters  have been  rates in the world. Furthermore, even  surely earned a place in history as one
        established that  can precisely predict  during  the peak of  the pandemic our  of the toughest battles India has had to
        the  recovery or deterioration  of a  recovery rates were among the highest  fight. Despite the odds, we will continue
        patient. This  erratic behavior  of  the  in the world despite India being labeled  to push forward and hope to one day
        disease  was another  challenge  for  us  as the diabetic capital of the world.   overcome this notorious  disease that
        since it resulted in prolonged ICU stays   Many measures  taken by the  has plagued our land.
        and an increased economic burden on  national  and  regional  governments
        the country. Also, monitoring patients  has helped to slow down the doubling  REFERENCES:
        required regular radiographic imaging  rate  of cases.  It provided  precious
        through bedside X-rays and CT scans,  time for the healthcare infrastructure   1. Physicians  (per  1000  people). (n.d.)
        which  were not so freely available  to respond to the demands across the   Available:
        everywhere due  to  cost as well  as  country. The medical fraternity in the
                                                                                2. Saaliq S. Limited clean  water  access  in
        infectious reasons.                 front line faced enormous  challenge
                                                                                India  spawns  COVID-19  concerns, 2020.
             COVID-19  requires  isolation of  and it is  undeniable that  country’s
        the patient from his  attendants too.  doctors and other healthcare staff have   india-clean-water-hygine-coronavirus.
        This leads to both  psychological  and  made huge contribution during these   3. Tiwaskar M, Vora A. COVID-19 in India:
        logistical  problems.  Both  patients  trying times. The early and aggressive   What  We have Accomplished  so  Far. JAPI
        and attendants feel a general sense of  response  against  the virus has led to   2020; 68: 11-12
        anxiety and gloom that often manifests  reduction of  cases  to such an extent
        as uncooperative behavior, unnecessary  that in some places Level  1 Hospitals
        complaints or even clinical depression.   (for asymptomatic to mild disease
                                                                                Author Information
                                                                                Dr A K Singh
                                                                                MBBS, MD (Med), FICP, FGSI
                                                                                Head of  Department  of  Medicine,  SSPG
                                                                                Divisional District  Hospital, Varanasi,  UP,
                                                                                India.  Former; Vice  President,  Geriatric
                                                                                Society of India, Governing Council Member,
                                                                                RSSDI,  Former Chairman, API,  Varanasi
                                                                                Chapter,Organizing  Secretary,  UPAPICON,
                                                                                Governing  Body Member, Association of
                                                                                Physicians of India,Vice President, Provincial
                                                                                Medical Services Association.
                                                                                Name- Dr Shikhar Garg
                                                                                Qualifications-  MBBS,  3rd  Year  Academic
                                                                                Junior Resident in Department of Medicine,
                                                   Source:  MLB Medical College, Jhansi, U.P, India.
          India: Authority’s attempt to educate Public about the Corona Virus during pandemic

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