Page 44 - Swsthya Winter Edition Vol 1 Issu 3 DEC 2020 Circulation copy BP
P. 44


        and  the momentum  that  needs to be   are de-stigmatizing  those very illnesses   definitely  be  triggered  at  the  workplace.
        maintained. We all play a critical role in the   which keep employees silent in their pain.   They could stem from an unsupportive
        advocacy of  mental  health, including  the   Wellness programs may offer  peer-to-  work environment with no space for voicing
        workplace.                          peer  support groups for  mental health   concerns,  working  with  an  uncooperative
            The  Need for  Mental  Health in   conditions. One recent study suggested that   manager, or people practices/policies
        Corporate Wellness Programs         for lasting behavior change, people are best   such as overworking employees, leading to
            Incentives often include lowering   served to not only set attainable goals but   exhaustion, and unfair distribution due to
        healthcare premiums, reducing co-pays,   to participate in small groups.  heavy workload. These triggers contribute
        and increasing costs  for  smokers.  Often   When people come  together  with   to distress,  giving rise  to mental  health
        missing from corporate wellness programs,   similar experiences, they are less likely to   issues.  It  is important  that  the managers
        however, is a  focus on mental  health  and   feel  so alone.  In  small  groups, people  are   balance  the workload  fairly,  and that  HR
        emotional wellness. While mental health is   more likely to openly discuss  topics such   also  has enough checks and  balances  to
        not as easily measured as blood pressure   as how to cope with the pressures of work,   receive continuous feedback or monitoring.
        or cholesterol, it deserves equal attention   how to improve job performance, or how to   Mental  health  issues  are  still
        especially when considering  the  costs   deal with a demanding boss. Peer support   perceived with a lot of stigma, not just at
        associated with poor mental and emotional   groups are not to be therapy sessions but   workplaces  but  also  in common  society
        health.                             they can be therapeutic for participants.  and neighbourhoods.  People are afraid to
            Productivity loss, absenteeism,  job   There are risks associated with   talk  about  it as they are scared  they will
        abandonment, and higher  turnover  are   corporate  wellness  programs  giving  be looked at differently by a lot of people
        often directly linked to poor mental health.   equal  attention  to mental  health.  First,   who matter to them  -  their friends  and
        For  example,  research shows that  people   employees may not  attend educational   colleagues may start avoiding them due to
        with symptoms of  depression  have  a   sessions or other such gatherings for fear   any conversations that may sound negative,
        fivefold or greater increase in time lost from   of being "outed". Unfortunately, shame   depressing or critical. Therefore, they start
        work compared to those without symptoms   is often associated with  mental  illness  in   getting into a shell to avoid being branded
        of depression.                      the workplace.  Employees  may be fearful   as negative or boring.
            Employers can begin to focus on mental   that  others  will  not  perceive them to be   Empathy is a very essential and integral
        health  by ensuring that  employees have   competent, capable, or a solid performer.  part of  functioning at any conscientious
        access to mental health benefits including   The best way to mitigate the risk of low   workplace.  It  is the management  team's
        an  employee assistance program (EAP).   participation is regularly and visibly offer   responsibility to ensure that  the welfare
        EAPs are useful  in that  they can  provide   sessions which signals that the company is   of the employees comes first, and they will
        referrals  to mental  health  professionals   interested and open to the topic. Another   respond  by contributing  with  complete
        and other services while maintaining strict   way to mitigate risk is to ask organizational   dedication, trusting  that  their welfare,
        standards of confidentiality.       leaders to talk about mental health issues   reward and recognition are taken care of.
            Employers with mental health benefits   in public forums. Second, employees could   This  is the reason some companies have
        are  at  a  significant  advantage  over  those   find  the  discussions  about  mental  health   core values that  make employees  stick to
        who  do  not  supply  such  benefits  in  that   to be  too intrusive. Mental  health  is an   the same workplace for their lifetime.
        they are likely to have  lower  incidents  of  intensely personal topic for some people.    HR  practices have a great role to
        job burnout, onsite violence, and workplace   It can be even more private than   play to ensure the mental  health of the
        injury.  Employers should complete an   some  physical health topics.  To mitigate   organization is good.
        assessment of their organizational culture   the sensitivity risk, wellness leaders   1.  Having  a  transparent,  open  culture
        before implementing  any mental  health   can  set rules of engagement  at  events.   and allowing fearless communication
        programs. They need  to acknowledge   For example,  rules around not judging   between employees and management
        when there are cultural  drivers that  are   others,  not interrupting when  someone   is critical.
        influencing  people's  resiliency  and  their   is speaking,  and no cross-talk  may help   2.  Creating  infrastructure  including
        ability to be emotionally well at work.  establish a feeling of "emotional safety" for   facilities for employees to relax,
            At the onset, companies  need  to   the sensitive employee.            like recreational areas with various
        be certain that  their  culture and work   Third, there is a risk that once attention   activities: physical and others like
        practices can support the mental  health   is  paid  to mental health, an organization   music, or those that unleash creativity/
        and emotional  needs  of its employees.   will incur costs associated with the use of   inspiration play a good role.
        They must communicate that  they care   mental health services and pharmaceutical   3.  Providing space for a creche, to ensure
        about each employee as a person and that   usage of  psychotropic  drugs  increase.     childcare and other such responsibilities
        they are committed  to providing  the best   Employers  need  to be mindful that  when   are taken care of (which could be a huge
        working environment possible. Employers   people seek treatment, they are less likely   cause of concern/anxiety for young
        can suggest that their employees complete   to  have  more  costly hospital stays,  and   parents) and place for worship could be
        a health risk assessment (HRA) which often   are less likely to experience other chronic   some things organisations could do to
        includes questions pertaining  to mental   conditions that could drive increased costs   support employees.
        health.                             in the long term.                  4.  A lot of good organisations also
            Wellness leaders can launch awareness   Corporate  wellness programs will   provide healthy and nutritious meals
        and education campaigns of these illnesses   continue to evolve. Our hope is that more   throughout the day and night to support
        using the latest social media and other tools   attention will be paid to employee mental   employees, which is also a great way to
        to help people find helpful resources. When   health and that the stigma associated with it   ensure that the basic needs of eating
        employees  experience  symptoms  such   will dissipate. By addressing mental health   right and on time are taken care of.
        as the desire to isolate, withdrawal  from   issues and emotional wellness, employers   5.  Besides this, creating recreational
        normal activities, physical aches and pains,   are addressing  the total  health  of an   communities   to   support   fitness
        irritability, and low tolerance of others,   employee when combined with programs   campaigns, gym, zumba, yoga classes,
        having a resource  to  turn to  for help can   for clinical  measure achievement. That   adventure activities, etc. help build a
        likely defuse a potentially serious situation.    makes everyone stronger, more productive,   healthy work environment and also
            By providing educational opportunities   and happier.                  work on the long term, cross-functional
        and enhancing awareness  of mental      Some illnesses  including  depression,   team building and community feeling
        illnesses through discussion, organizations   anxiety  and stress  disorders could   throughout the company. q

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