Page 48 - Swsthya Winter Edition Vol 1 Issu 3 DEC 2020 Circulation copy BP
P. 48


        Revolutionary              that  the earlier detection
                                   offers  arguably the single
        cancer-                    biggest opportunity to save
                                   lives from the disease.
        detecting                      Early detection of cancer
                                   can  be  key to reducing its
        blood tests to             mortality.  Patients  whose
                                   conditions  are  diagnosed
        be piloted                 at  ‘stage one’ typically have
                                   between five and 10 times the
                                   chance of surviving compared
            he NHS launched a pilot
                                   with  those  found at  ‘stage
            for  an innovative pilot
        Tblood  test that  claims
                                       The  test  works  by
        would help detecting the
                                   checking  for   molecular
        cancers, detect more than 50
                                   changes which  can serve as
        types of cancer.
                                   early warning signs of cancer.
            Announcing        this
                                   Research on patients  with
        initiative, health service Chief
                                   signs of  cancer has already   potential  to save many lives.   The trial is due to start in
        Executive Sir  Simon Stevens
                                   found this new test is capable   This promising blood  test is   mid-2021,  involving 165,000
        said, “the New blood test
                                   of identifying many types of   expected  to prove a game-  patients as part of a world-first
        would be capable of detecting
                                   cancer which are more difficult   changer in cancer care, helping   deal struck by NHS  England
        the cancers”.                                                                   with  the test’s developers.
                                   to diagnose early, such as head   thousands more people to get
            The  Galleri blood test                                                     The   140,000  participants
                                   and neck, ovarian, pancreatic,   successful treatment. Patients
        can detect early stage cancers                                                  aged 50 to 79 who have no
                                   esophageal and some  blood   with conditions   diagnosed
        through a simple blood test.                                                    symptoms  but  will  tested
                                   cancers.                   at  ‘stage one’ typically have
            Head of  prevention  and                                                    annual for three years. People
                                       One of  the ambitions of   between five and 10 times the
        early detection research  at                                                    will  be  identified  through
                                   the NHS Long Term Plan,  to   chance of surviving compared
        Cancer Research UK, Dr David                                                    NHS records and approached
                                   increase the proportion of   with  those  found at  ‘stage
        Crosby,  said: “All  too often,                                                 to take  part,  referring for
                                   cancers caught early, could be   four’.  NHS Chief Executive Sir
        patients  are being  diagnosed                                                  investigation in the NHS.
                                   significantly  boosted  should   Stevens said: “While the good
        at a late stage, where their                                                    Another  25,000  people with
                                   the test be proven suitable for   news  is that cancer  survival    possible cancer symptoms
        cancer is deeply rooted
                                   regular use.               is now at a record high, over   will also be offered testing to
        and   requires   significant
                                       The  early detection –   a thousand people every  day   speed up their diagnosis after
        intervention, often with  poor
                                   particularly for  hard-to-treat   are newly diagnosed  with   being referred  to hospital in
        outcomes”. Highlighting in the
                                   conditions like ovarian  and   cancer.               the normal way.
        Lancet Oncology, the Cancer
                                   pancreatic cancer – has the
        Research UK’s, emphasised
        New treatment recommended for difficult-to-treat cancer
             ational      Institute  option for  those  whose  current treatment options.   use on the NHS because of
             for Health  and Care  disease  has   progressed  Approximately 5,700  new  uncertainty within the cost-
        NExcellence (NICE)  in  from their last  treatment  cases of multiple  myeloma  effectiveness  estimates,  as
        the United  Kingdom  has  if they have had three  are diagnosed each year  there are limitations in the
        approved the treatment  –  previous forms of treatment.  in the UK, making  it the  clinical data.
        isatuximab  for the people  Many of these patients  are  fifth  most  common  cancer
        with       difficult-to-treat  those  where the disease  overall.
        multiple myeloma.          has returned or  become                               Around 500 people a  year
                                   resistant  to the treatments   The treatment could not be  are set to benefit from NICE’s
        It  is recomdded  the use of  they’ve already had.    recommended for routine    recommendation.
        this ddruge through the
        Cancer  Drugs  Fund (CDF)  Meindert Boysen, Deputy
        which is a source of funding  Chief Executive and Director
        for cancer drugs in England.  of the Centre for Health
        It  provides  patients  with  Technology Evaluation  at
        faster  access  to the most  NICE, said: “Our independent
        promising   new    cancer  appraisal committee has
        treatments.                recognised  more treatment
                                   options are needed  for
        The treatment – isatuximab,  those   with   difficult-to-
        administered    as     an  treat  multiple myeloma.’
        intravenous infusion, plus  Adding  that  Some  of  the
        pomalidomide          and  data  has already showsn
        dexamethasone – has been  promise  that  isatuximab
        recommended for use as an  plus  pomalidomide   and
        option for treating relapsed  dexamethasone delays the
        and   refractory  multiple  disease  from progressing
        myeloma in adults.  This  is  and increases  how  long
        to be offered as a treatment  people live compared with
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