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P. 50


                       Royal College of Psychiatrists 2020 Dean elections
                                Four candidates are standing in 2020/21 elections

           Professor Subodh Dave    Prof Nandini Chakraborty     Dr Chris O’Loughlin        Dr Johan Alastair
                FRCPsych MMed             MD, FRCPsych            BM BS BMedSci (Hons),  MB ChB (Aberdeen), MRCGP,
          (Clinical      Education);  Consultant Psychiatrist in EIP,    MRCP, FRCPsych,        FRCPsych
          Consultant Psychiatrist Deputy   Leicestershire  Partnership  Head  of School of Psychiatry,   Consultant  Psychiatrist  in
          Director  of  Undergraduate   NHS Trust. Honorary Profes-  Health  Education  England  Intellectual  Disability, NHS
          Medical Education, Derbyshire   sor,       University of Leicester,   (East  of England).  Consultant   Lothian and NHS Fife
          Healthcare Foundation Trust;     Dept. of Health Sciences.  Community Adult Psychiatrist,  RCPsych Associate Dean for
          Professor  of  Psychiatry,                          Cambridgeshire       and  Curricula (2018)
          University  of Bolton; Chair,                       Peterborough NHS Foundation
          Association  of  University                         Trust.
          Teachers of Psychiatry (AUTP);
          Imm. Past Asso  Dean, Trainee
          Support,  Royal  College  of                             Sourse:
          Psychiatrists.; RCPsych Trainer                
          of the Year 2017                                         decisions/elections/our-2020-candidates-for-dean/dean-nominations

                        Royal College of Psychiatrists                                 Royal College of

                              Election for new officers                            Psychiatrists Election
                                                                                    of its new Treasurer
                                 RAMAKRISHNAN, Dr Anand, BSc, MBBS, DPM, MMedSc, MSc,
                                 FRCPsych; Consultant Psychiatrist, Hertfordshire Partnership   Royal  College  of Psychiatrists  has
                                 University NHS Foundation Trust.                  announced the process for electing
                                   In 1926  receiving its   disorder.    in all  its forms   its next Treasurer and Dean. Current
                                 Royal Charter  to  become   and aspects.          post holders, Dr Jan Falkowski and
                                 the    ‘Royal   Medico   The position of a  Dean  in   Dr Kate Lovett finish their terms of
                                 Psychological  Association’,   the College is most valuable   office in summer 2021.
                                 and finally in 1971 receiving   since it contributes towards
                                 a Supplemental  Charter  to   providing  leadership  All Members, Fellows and Specialist
                                 become the ‘Royal  College   to the work on training   Associates can vote for the next
                                 of  Psychiatrists’  we know   and  education,  as well  as   Dean and Treasurer. Voting remains
          The  Royal  College  of
                                 today.                  recruitment and retention.  open from 16  December  2020  to
          Psychiatrists  is one  of
                                   The  key role of the   The Dean  also works very   13 January 2021. Results  will  be
          the  oldest  professional
                                 College: (a) advance the   closely with the President   announced on 14 January.
          institution of  psychiatrists
                                 science  and practice of   and  other  officers  at  the
          in the United Kingdom,
                                 psychiatry  and  related  core of the governance of   Hustings are planned  on virtual
            The  Royal  College of
                                 subjects, (b) further public   the College.       platform  for  Treasurer  and Dean
          Psychiatrists  has  been in
                                 education in psychiatry and   The  incumbent  Dean,   elections where the president, Dr
          existence in some form
                                 related subjects        Dr  Kate Lovett will  be   Adrian James  will  host the event.
          since 1841.
                                 (c)promote  study  and  finishing  her term of office     Members will have an opportunity
            First  as the ‘Association
                                 research work in psychiatry   in summer of 2011.   to ask questions to each candidate.
          of  Medical  Officers  of
                                 and   all  sciences  and  We thank  Kate for her
          Asylums and Hospitals for
                                 disciplines   connected  contribution  and  wish  Details of elections are available at
          the Insane’ -later changed                     her  all  the best for  her
                                 with the understanding
          to the Medico Psychological                    endeavors for the future. q    us/our-people-and-how-we-make-
                                 and treatment of  mental
          Association.                                                             decisions/elections
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