Page 49 - Swsthya Winter Edition Vol 1 Issu 3 DEC 2020 Circulation copy BP
P. 49
Battle to is crucial in the pathway of JNJ estimates it could be
producing the vaccine. The ready in early 2021.
find effective research outcome needs to In the event when an
be approved by the relevant approval is granted, the NHS
COVID-19 Regulatory authorities and is expected to trigger the
licensure. They need to be vaccination programme. The
vaccine convinced, is it ready and NHS is expected to roll out its
tried and tested plans built
safe for the use in the world.
on the plans for influenza
Dr Satwinder Basra Final stage: The challenge in vaccine .
General Practitioner the final phase is for these This means the general
agencies to stay involved practice, pharmacies and
continuing to monitor other providers will have
The battle to stake the claim production; inspecting an important role in this
that ‘we have found an Interestingly, China where manufacturing facilities; and endeavour to ensure the
effective COVID-19 Vaccine’ the virus originated has testing vaccines for potency, coverage accesses all the
is now reaching a climax as recorded 4,634 deaths. safety and purity. localities in the country.
the politicians seek for a ray The approval of a
of hope in their quest for the There are key stages According to the report in vaccines is awaited, hoping it
final rescue. involved in finding a vaccine. CFRA Research’s flagship would be in December 2020
Int er national newsletter, The Outlook, with mass vaccination more
Pharmaceutical corporate Sate One: Preclinical Stage: globally, there are more likely in the New Year. Some
giants are scrambling to be Identifying the right antigen than 100 vaccines under expect that two potential
anointed as the one who or antigen(s) can often take development. 9 of these vaccines - from AstraZeneca
got the vaccine first. Let up to four years. are already in the phase of and from Pfizer, are the most
us accept that it is going to human clinical trials. likely to be the first available.
be lucrative business and Stage two: Phases two is The name that is being The Government has
relief for the world health in two sections; Is it safe, noted for leading the race assured that it has secured
organisations struggling and what’s the right dose? is Johnson & Johnson JNJ, enough of each to vaccinate
to cope with the spread of Determining the most Pfizer (PFE) AstraZenca those most vulnerable to
suffering and mortality. effective dose and expand and Oxford. Many experts COVID-19 and will set out
The global death toll has the safety experience believe that they seemed to the prioritisation of any
reached the park of 1.44m with the vaccine. Clinical deploy massive resources vaccine based on advice
with recorded infected cases trials normally last several for R&D and manufacturing from the JCVI.
passing the total 61.6m. The months to even a year before to produce hundreds of
United Kingdom is bracing proceeding to phase 3. millions of doses.
for the burst of the second Since late January
wave and thereafter the Stage three: Phase 3 is all 2020, JNJ’s Janssen unit has 1
post-Christmas spikes cases. about how effective is the been working to develop a cases&oq=total+worls+covid+-
The death toll in the vaccine. In this clinical trial, preventive vaccine against cases&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i13i-
UK has passed 57,551 by volunteers are involved who Covid19. They are known 457j0i13l2j0i22i-
the end of November 2020. receive the vaccine to study to have reached a strategic 2 Relevant guidance from NHS
The USA has reached to whether it is effective. collaborative phase to England and NHS Improvement can
2,65,000 deaths and France provide an affordable be found on:
52,000. India with 1,36,000 Stage fourth: The fourth stage vaccine on a massive scale.
COVID19 mortality .
“Pharmacists play a unique and valuable resource with hugely important role in reaching
out to both patient and public, stretching out to a number of generation within one
household,” says Prof Patel.
rofessor Mahendra G Patel, community engagement to the for National Statistics report
PHonorary Visiting Professor, Trial, especially the undeserved released last month (May 7) both
Academic Pharmacist, Pharmacy and BAME communities, and point to evidence suggesting that
Research Champion NIHR (Yorks making greater use of the vast BAME people are “at greater
& Humber) has Joined the network of pharmacy across risk” from COVID-19 than those
PRINCIPLE team at Nuffield Dept the various health care settings of white ethnicity.
of Primary Care Health Sciences throughout the UK”. Professor Patel said he was
University of OXFORD. Professor Patel, a pharmacist “delighted and honoured to be
In placing the pharmacy and member of the Royal joining the Principle trial for
on Oxford university platform, Pharmaceutical Society’s English this very important work in the
Prof Patel emphasised that the pharmacy board and C+D’s crusade against COVID-19”.
pharmacists play a unique and clinical advisory board
valuable resource with hugely A recent Public Health Well done Prof Patel.
important role in reaching out to England review, Disparities in the Prof Patel is a member of the the
Professor Mahendra G Patel
BPharm PhD Alumni both patient and public. risk and outcomes of COVID-19, Advisory Board of Swasthya, a health
Fellow NICE FHEA Adding, “To strengthen published in June 2 and an Office journal for professionals.
Volume: 1 I Issue: 3 I 2020 2020 I Volume: 1 I Issue: 3 49