Page 181 - Wasserstoff Medizin
P. 181

an artificial hormone (Pitocin) which is given to pregnant women to induce or speed up
                                  It is clear that the preponderance of available evidence
                            suggests the importance of multiple biologic factors acting through
                                one or more mechanisms to produce the autistic syndrome.
                                                                             Dr. Donald J. Cohen & Fred Volkmar

                  Most umbilical cords are clamped and cut  before all the blood from the placenta is
                  allowed back into the baby, meaning they start out with as much as a 40% decrease in
                  blood volume.  Birth is a shock to one degree or another. Babies need time to adjust, to
                  light, to sound, to the simple act of breathing. But they are not given the time they need.
                  As soon as they are born, antibiotic drops or ointment is put in their eyes and they are
                  given a vitamin K shot. Trouble is the shot contains nasty chemicals like benzyl alcohol,
                  phenol (carbolic acid), propylene glycol (antifreeze), acetic acid and hydrochloric acid.
                                Just a two-minute delay in clamping a baby's umbilical cord
                            can boost the child's iron reserves and prevent anemia for months.
                                                                                              University of California, Davis.
                  Over 200 years ago Erasmus Darwin (Charles Darwin’s grandfather) was writing about
                  early cord clamping and said, “Another thing very injurious to the child, is the tying and
                  cutting of the navel string too soon; which should always be left till the child has not only
                  repeatedly breathed but till all pulsation in the cord ceases. As otherwise the child is much
                  weaker than it ought to be, a portion of the blood being left in the placenta, which ought
                  to have been in the child.”

                  When we add the Hep B vaccine a  few hours later, with its aluminum hydroxide,
                  thimerosal (in some countries) and modified genetic material one can only wonder about
                  pediatricians and what they are thinking. In the September 14th issue of Neurology (2004;
                  63:838-42) a Harvard group published their findings confirming our worst fears about the
                  recombinant hepatitis B vaccine and its role in increasing the  chance  of recipients
                  contracting multiple sclerosis (MS).  Researchers from Harvard estimate that it increases
                  the risk by over three times. This is highly significant to our multiple causes of autism
                  model because, as suspected by Dr. Blaylock, this vaccine is creating problems in the
                  brain’s immune system leading to serious auto-immune diseases. According to Blaylock,
                  autism spectrum disorders are basically auto-immune disorders.

                  Dr. Viera Scheibner recorded the breathing of babies with computerised Cotwatch
                  Breathing Monitors saw that many of them changed their breathing patterns soon after
                  vaccination. Within an hour stress level in breathing increased and was clearly visible on
                  the computer printouts.

                  Newborns and  young children are being subjected to increasingly  aggressive
                  interventions and they are not standing up well to the assault. The conclusion of course is
                  devastating. Though there is a host of environmental factors the one thing that the CDC
                  and other medical organizations do not want to  admit is that Autism is  primarily  an
                  iatrogenic disease. It is caused mostly by obstetricians, pediatricians, their nurses who
                  inject toxic chemicals into the babies, and even by dentists who expose mothers to
                  mercury through their dental fillings.

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