Page 223 - Wasserstoff Medizin
P. 223
If lack of oxygen is a key driver of cancer growth then
so is low CO2, pH and depressed cell voltage.
It’s known that low oxygen levels in tumors can be used to predict cancer recurrence in
men with intermediate-risk prostate cancer even before they receive radiation therapy, so
why don’t doctors use methods of raising oxygen in their treatment against cancer?
“We’ve not only shown that men do worse if they have low oxygen levels (hypoxia) in
their prostate cancer, but that they also do worse over a shorter period of time,” says
Dr. Michael Milosevic, radiation oncologist in the PMH Cancer Program, UHN. “These
patients seem to develop cancer recurrence within only a few years of completing
Dr. Milosevic and colleagues measured oxygen levels in 247 men with localized prostate
cancer prior to radiation therapy and followed them for a median of 6.6 years. Low
oxygen in the tumors predicted early relapse after radiation treatment. It was also
the only identified factor that predicted local recurrence during follow-up. xlix
Luckily we do not need new drugs to target hypoxia in tumors. Sodium and potassium
bicarbonate do the job nicely for less than the least expensive pharmaceutical in the world.
And if we add breathing retraining to slow down our rate of breathing we can drop oxygen
as well as CO2 and pH bunker bombs on cancer tumors 24 hours a day, seven days a
week with very little cost. This is the kind of medicine pharmaceutical executives should
greatly fear.
Dr. Rockwell from Yale University School of Medicine (USA) studied malignant changes
on the cellular level and wrote, “The physiological effects of hypoxia and the associated
micro environmental inadequacies increase mutation rates, select for cells deficient in
normal pathways of programmed cell death, and contribute to the development of an
increasingly invasive, metastatic phenotype”