Page 220 - Wasserstoff Medizin
P. 220

is the product of metabolizing carbohydrates. Without their favorite growth food, tumor
                  growth slows and cancer cells die.

                  The ketogenic (no-carb) diet, the Gerson diet, and the macrobiotic diet all work because
                  they practically starve you of carbohydrates. Many decades ago The American Cancer
                  Society said, "Cancer is not caused or cured by any known diet." Nothing has changed in
                  all these years meaning oncologists are working with their patients with blinders on. The
                  American Diabetes Association maintains a similar position with diabetes yet what we
                  eat and refrain from eating is incredibly important to life and health.

                  Many studies on diet and cancer prove the connection between a no-carbohydrate diet
                  and dramatically reduced cancer growth rates. Add fasting to whatever else you are doing,
                  and you starve cancer cells even faster.

                  Fasting can heal many common diseases, because it allows the body to rest, detoxify, and
                  concentrate all its energy on healing instead of digestion. Fasting can be as recharging for
                  the organism as sleeping. During a longer fast, the body reaches out for all degenerative
                  and foreign tissues in the body like fibroid tumors, moles, bacteria, viruses and any other
                  sick and unnecessary tissues.

                  Precautions:  I  am not  making a universal prescription  of  water fasts  for all cancer
                  patients at all stages of the cancer process. Generally, up to 3 days fasting should be safe
                  for most people, but I recommend starting slowly – first skipping just one meal, then one
                  day of fasting per week and only then go to 3 day fasting. If you have any doubts about
                  fasting or wish to fast longer, please consult with your health practitioner. If your doctor
                  is totally against fasting,  you can find naturopathic doctors or other alternative

                  Choose the type of fast that works best for you. If you are going through chemotherapy,
                  remember that fasting not only makes  your chemotherapy more effective, it can also
                  reduce your side effects. Better yet, choose a natural form of chemotherapy, like hemp
                  oil, and blast  your healthy cells and the cancer cells both with waves of oxygen and
                  alkalinity. There is not  a cancer  cell alive that will enjoy increases in oxygen  and
                  alkalinity, but healthy cells will rejoice.

                  If you are eating a Western Diet/Standard American Diet, rich in meat, dairy, refined
                  sugar, salt, oils, and processed junk foods, you are putting toxins in your body faster than
                  it can eliminate them. Over time, these toxins accumulate until there is a tipping point
                  where your body is so overloaded that essential systems and functions begin to break
                  down. This accumulation of toxins from an unhealthy diet and our environment are major
                  contributors to chronic disease including cancer.

                  Fasting on water is not generally recommended for late stage cancer when a patient is
                  already suffering from glucose deficiency. Cancer eventually eats it all, leaving a person
                  to starve.

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