Page 215 - Wasserstoff Medizin
P. 215
Dehydration, Inflammation & Cancer
Many doctors cannot readily differentiate between water-deficient causes of illness and
other potential causes. This often leads to poor case management and further deterioration
of patients’ conditions. If cancer is linked to inflammation, and inflammation is linked to
dehydration then one should be very frightened for our children. More than 70% of
preschool children never drink plain water.
Dehydration isn’t just about low water, but also insufficient electrolytes. Without a good
balance of water and electrolytes in the system it is difficult for blood, and thus oxygen
to reach all parts of the body. Because water and electrolytes are so crucial to the
functioning of every cell in our bodies, their lack creates all kinds of problems.
Magnesium deficiencies go hand in hand with dehydration and it is one of the prime
reasons I recommend magnesium bicarbonate water.
Diabetes tends to cause dehydration, because people with diabetes have a very high
glucose rate. The body wants to get rid of the glucose and makes you urinate much more
frequently than normal, your kidneys produce urine and expel it frequently. This leads to
dehydration. Interestingly one of the main causes of diabetes is magnesium deficiency;
and both magnesium deficiency and diabetes are precursors to cancer.
Inflammation is cytotoxic; it can kill cells prematurely. Cellular death is a major
contributor to the chronic medical conditions previously mentioned. One of the signaling
mechanisms that initiates inflammation in the body is histamine. Histamine increases the
permeability of blood vessels to white blood cells and proteins. Histamine increases
immune activity. Dehydration has been shown to increase production of histamine
leading to a general, widespread inflammatory response. xliv By ensuring proper
hydration of the body we can prevent dehydration and reduce this over production of
histamine and hence inflammation.
Dehydration, which can lead to cancer formation (of any type) includes the following
consequences to our physiology: 1) DNA damage, which can lead to mutant (cancerous)
cells. 2) Acid-alkaline balance. When dehydrated, and urine output is diminished, acid
waste accumulates in weak or vulnerable areas of the body. It is well known that a
cancerous body is acidic. 3) Cell receptor damage. Chronic dehydration causes
enzymatic changes that lead to numerous problems with cellular communication and
hormonal balance. 4) Immune system suppression. Dehydration suppresses the immune
system because histamine production in the body is increased, which also increases the
production of a chemical called vasopressin, a strong suppressor of the immune system.
Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, states, “Unintentional chronic dehydration (UCD)
contributes to and even produces pain and many degenerative diseases that can be
prevented and treated by increasing water intake on a regular basis.” His list includes
fibromyalgia, arthritis, back pain and cancer. In fact Batmanghelidj has good reason to
suspect that dehydration and the inflammation that comes from it is the most basic cause
of all disease.