Page 216 - Wasserstoff Medizin
P. 216
Oxygen link between Dehydration & Cancer
Water is the primary transport of oxygen to the cells! Water is also the primary
transport for the removal of toxins out of the cells and out of the body, so we can readily
understand that dehydration quickly leads to pathology, and eventually to cancer, as cells
switch from normal oxygen respiration to fermentation.
Lack of oxygenation and toxin accumulation also make the body much more vulnerable
to systemic proliferation of microbes, such as certain bacteria, viruses, and fungi that are
associated with cancer. Hydration in the body is important for transporting carbohydrates,
vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients and of course oxygen to the cells.
Most doctors will say that under no circumstances can dehydration cause cancer; but
when we look carefully, we see that in fact a long-term chronic shortage of water
creates exactly the inflammation conditions that eventually lead to cancers. Water
shortages create oxygen shortages as well as acid pH, so water is a serious medicine. It
cures dehydration, which is a serious plague-like, and officially recognized, medical
problem. Water is the most basic perfect medicine and, when taken in a pure mineralized
form, will help one return to health and more readily recover from cancer.
Sip water regularly throughout the day to avoid dehydration. Remember, thirst and a dry
mouth are some of the last signs that the body is in need of water, not the first. Most
people are unconscious of their thirst mechanisms. One of the reasons is that we take
liquid substitutes that drive down hydration levels instead of raising them. Coffee
dehydrates us, as do all soda drinks. It really is an effort, but one well made, to drink
enough medical quality water. This is defined as purified water laden with appropriate
minerals like magnesium and bicarbonate.
Most people today continue to repeat the widely off-base mantra that cancer is a genetic
disease caused by DNA damage. They think that DNA damage can happen randomly
(which is most often their culprit) or through exposure to DNA damaging agents (i.e.
things called "carcinogens"). Cancers, it turns out, actually arise from sites of chronic
irritation, infection and inflammation. In most cancers the cancer cells themselves
initiate an inflammatory process that enables them to proliferate madly. “It’s like
wild fire out of control,” says Dr. William Li.
In 2008 researchers in France found that one in six cancers are caused by treatable
infections. Helicobacter pylori, hepatitis B and C viruses, and human papillomaviruses
were responsible for 1.9 million cases, mainly gastric, liver, and cervix uteri cancers. In
women, cervix uteri cancer accounted for about half of the infection-related burden of
cancer; in men, liver and gastric cancers accounted for more than 80%. Around 30% of
infection-attributable cases occur in people younger than 50.
“It is believed that cancer is caused by an accumulation of mutations in cells of the body,”
says Dr. Carlo M. Croce, professor and chair of molecular virology, immunology and
medical genetics. “Our study xlvi suggests that miR-155, which is associated with