Page 16 - Rock&RollTimeTableRules
P. 16
RRTT™ 16
7 Moving
7a-Move in Pointed►► cardinal direction North x South or East x West + stay in
Lane. Change/choose Lane @fork. Point either direction WT. [ Point ►► b4 Ŗ ]
7b-EXAMPLE: ►WŖ2=5 = w red arrow up►, Pointing West, Roll to Move 2 dice for a
5 & Move 5 spaces West. →Assume 1 Ŗ of Game @Freaks'♥WT01 · ►WŖ2=5→
Player may Land 1 of 8 spaces on MainStage → 33 · 27 · 23 · 22 · 21 · 20 · 16 · 9
as follows:
7b(1) Land·33 →straight down BorderLane: 4·10·19·24·33;
7b(2) Land·27 →down 1 Lane N of BorderLane: 4·9·18·23·27;
7b(3) Land·23 x 3·8·13·17·23 (note fork @17►W);
7b(4) Land·22 x 3·8·13·17·22 or 3·7·12·16·22;
7b(5) Land·21 x 3·7·12·16·21;
7b(6) Land·20 x 3·7·12·15·20;
7b(7) Land·16 x 3·8·13·16 or 3·7·12·16 or 3·7·13·16;
7b(8) Land·9 x 4·9.
7c-While Moving, option·change Lane @fork. Stay in Lane x direction of travel til
Reach a fork. eg @16►W next space choice = 21·22; @15►W choice = 20·21;
@4►W choice = 8·9·10. eg @35►S Player shall not change Lane (no fork ►S); eg
@28►S Player shall not change Lane.
7d-Stop/Land when Reaching perpendicular Border despite Ŗ#, eg @28►SŖ1=5 =
Land·33; eg @28►SŖ1=6 = Land·33; eg @31►SŖ1=3 = Land·33.
7e-One peninsular space, 54, enables three directions: @62JamSpot♥, Player
may: ►W /►E /►N & use 54 on 1 count.
7f-Stop/Land @ some Impak·Pieces, eg Cop /Bouncer.
7g-If Player Stop/Land on wrong space &or x wrong count &or Ŗ wrong # dice = 86.