Page 11 - Rock&RollTimeTableRules
P. 11

RRTT™  11

                                        4  Scorecard & CheatSheet

       4a-EXAMPLE:  β2Ẅx♫  = Bonus Score 2 Weed per Record.  [ no♫ = no β ]

              CheatSheet, card & space have abbreviation like β2Ẅx♫. Scorecard tracks

              factors like Stash WeedẄ · Record♫ · etc. CheatSheet lists WT spaces, etc.

       4b-Scorecard has front: SCORECARD RRTT™  & Back: SCORECARD Backup RRTT™ .

       4c-On Scorecard front, track # Contractδ. Maybe check box None @start.

       4d-Row Scores factors Band Member Ъ · Crew Č · Groupies Ġ etc. Track gain &

              loss/use x checking/unchecking boxes. Dry-erase + lamination ≈ easier use.

       4e-Down ea column find max # ea factor. eg max Č w no δ = 3; max Ъ w Indieδ = 9;

              max ₼ w Indieδ = 20.

       4f-@right, column T totals ea row w max sum in grey.  Overwrite w running sums.

              (option·dry pen)

       4g-Entourage È = Ъ + Č + Ġ + Đ + Merchs + Honchos.

       4h-w Indie δ - ţ no longer needed.

       4i-w Major δ - ₼ no longer needed.

       4j- Check gained Character on ScorecardBack w option·Add CrewČ instead. If

              Character = already checked on Back or if Player wants help up front, may

              option +1Č.  No option on Muse☻.  [limits x δ]

       4k-There are Back &  Impak Characters in ea deck.

       4l-Goodies  track $ borrowed from Vinny · Ẅ Stash · etc. ea Player mark $4M & $8M

              when reached, + announce for all Players to know.

       4m-Show both/either side of Scorecard to any Player anytime. (other than x

              unreasonable distraction)

       4n-CheatSheet ≈ snapshot of Boards & space & more.

       4o-Download-for-free Scorecards. Better yet, CheatSheet + other art are dirt-cheap

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