Page 10 - Rock&RollTimeTableRules
P. 10

RRTT™  10


       Share  ♥                 space allows multiple Players Protected♥, all safe from Pop to
                                share/use facilities

       Smoke  §                 Return @Bank Ẅ specified when Landing @most GigSpots; Bank
                                may not have change; # is minimum /86    symbol = §

       Stash                    stow & retrieve Ẅ @Bakery♥ likely apart from ƒ /theft; stow &
                                retrieve $ Offshore @LawOffice♥ likely apart from ƒ /₽ /theft;
                                track on ScorecardBack & hold @Bank; Ẅ Stash & $ Offshore do
                                not count as being 'on-hand'

       Steal                    directed take something from another Player

       Stop                     Reach/Land @BorderÞ x perpendicular Move; Reach/Land any
                                corner MainStage; Reach/Land @SafeSpace♥; 86 /Bust /etc
                                @Reach Impak·Piece, eg Cop☻; Land x exact count; retrieve
                                hand·finger /untouch Piece;  Stop x wrong count or Stop/Land

                                @wrong space = 86
       Take  ♠                  when Popping Vulnerable♠ Player, Take all-up to 3 cards from
                                Poppy—no peek; 'involuntary donation' x direction, eg Steal from
                                a Player; draw a Gig·Card as in Take·Gig

       Win                      Win = last Player or 1  to →Land @Freaks'♥WT01 w $10M on-
                                hand & no debt
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