Page 5 - Rock&RollTimeTableRules
P. 5
RRTT™ 05
3 Part & Action
Audition ♪♦ Earn a Pick ☼ @ this type of GigSpot symbol = ♪♦
Band Member Ъ desirable; keep track x Scorecard checkboxes; more Earn more
$ /cost more too symbol = Ъ
Backup some Characters better & aka Backside Help
Banker custodian for $ · ☼ · Ẅ · Piece · Mark not in circulation; arbiteur
of dispute not settled; need not be a Player; neutral disposition
may help; pilfering may be grounds to end 'friendship'
Black Mark ♠ Place after Bad Gig; Vulnerable♠ to Pop + Lose all-up to 3 cards
βonus / ₽enalty Earn /Lose extra; often meet condition /no effect on play, eg
β2Ẅx♫ needs @least 1♫ /no βonus; βonus & ₽enalty @Bank;
sometimes β/₽ b4 other action; maybe anything symbol = β / ₽
Border spaces Þ surround Main Stage adjacent to WT; Moving Player Stop/Land
@perpendicular Border regardless of exact count, eg Move N til
Reach N Border; parallel Move along BorderLane OK; Stop/Land
@all corners MainStage; @Turn-start @Border · Player shall not
Point ►► to WT space /86 after Ŗ
Calculator maybe want 1
Character Gig · Favor = actor-in-adventure & maybe w Impak & shit
CheatSheet abbreviates space & action & more; optional
Contract δ Score @LawOffice♥; need 1 w ☼ @Taj's♥78 w 2♫ /more; Score = δ
Crew Č track Character w Scorecard, eg guitar tech = 2Č
Die / Dice 6-sided & dimensional to Ŕ / Ŗ · sometimes Ŕ1 · sometimes Ŗ2
Dork Đ crappy Character; 7Đ = KO Scorecard = Đ
Entourage È # = Band MemberЪ + CrewČ + GroupieĠ + DorkĐ + Merch +
Honcho = È
Favor ·Card card type x Play / Keep; Draw 1 when directed
Favor·Frag Land x exact count · Draw·Favor & likely Ŗagain [ 25·55·63·139 ]
Gig ·Card card type x Play / Keep; Take 1 when directed @Gig as Take·Gig
GigSpot ♠ ♣ ♦ On Main Stage /WT w Gig, eg Audition ♪♦ ; Earn /Lose $ & more +
Gig ·Card; usually consume Ẅ &/ ₼ ; often β/₽; Place Impak·Piece
/Reservation on Unoccupied GSpot x direction symbol ≈ ♠ ♣ ♦