Page 3 - Rock&RollTimeTableRules
P. 3
RRTT™ 03
2 QStart
2a-ea Player:
Movi·Piece · green arrow►1 side · red arrow►other
Reservation Markers w matching color to Movi·piece
Pen & Scorecard [ laminated w dry erase = better ]
200,000 GameBucks $
1 Guitar Pick ☼ (pick-art)
2 Dice [ maybe share ]
CheatSheet [ option & maybe share ]
2b-ea Player Roll to Score 2 dice →Ŕ2. High-tie →all-tie & Ŕagain. High→1 & is =
Banker. Play clockwise @Bank left. [ 16a = symbol & abbreviation ]
2c-ea Player Load-in Scorecard. Ŕ as follows:
1. Ŕ1 = start # Band MembersЪ
2. Ŕ1 = start # CrewČ → 1-3 = 1Č; 4-5 = 2Č; 6 = 3Č
3. Ŕ2 = start # Munchies₼ max@start = 10₼; 11-12 = 10₼
4. Ŕ1 = start # WeedẄ. [coin-art @ Bank]
[ check corresponding boxes on Scorecard; secure WeedẄ from Bank ]
2d-ea Player start Movi·Piece w red arrow up► @Freaks'♥WT01. Point►W to Enter
MainStage. 1 Turn Players need no Ticketţ nor Indieδ to Enter.
2e-[Point►W] Roll to Move→Ŗ proper # dice. Almost always Ŗ2 for WT & Moving
East·West MainStage; always Ŗ1 for Move North·South MainStage. Ŗ wrong #
dice = 86.
2f-Unable to Move /Land after Ŗ = 86. 86 x Ŗ wrong # &/ Point►► wrong direction
(careful at Border Þ). [ intentional 86 is OK! ]
2g-On 1 Turn: Ŗ2 & Move East to West x Rules of Moving (stay in Lane til fork·Ch7).