Page 7 - Rock&RollTimeTableRules
P. 7
RRTT™ 07
Record ♫ Make @Taj's♥78♣ & always bring ☼ ; bring δ w 2♫ /more; no
Rezzies; need 4 Records to sign Major1 contract Scorecard =♫
Reservation Mark Reserve Unoccupied GigSpot · not @Taj's♥78♣ · on MainStage; ea
Player = own Markers; no other Player shall Land @Reserved
GSpot; Remove Marker @Landing; aka Rezzie
Scorecard track Ъ & more; show any Player anytime; Load-in b4 1 Ŗ;
laminate Scorecard + dry-erase pen ≈ easier play
SafeSpace ♥ may Stop/Land w/o exact count, eg LawOffice♥ · BoxOffice♥ ·
JamSpot♥ · et al; all Players safe & may use/share facilities
TimeLoop ₸ on Scorecard; found often Unprotected♦ &/ Ф symbol = ₸
Timer option ≈ keep play moving [maybe 1 min to Land]
Transaction instead of Play (a card) @Turn-start, Transact w 1 other Player—
buy /loan /sell /trade Ẅ /Cards /$ etc—only b4 Ŗ; option·timer
Turn @Turn-start, option ·Transaction or Play 1 card b4 Ŗ or just Ŗ; w
doubles may Play 1 card b4 ea Ŗagain; no Transaction after Ŗ
@Turn-start some spaces have special rules if starting Turn on that space,
eg @Freaks'♥WT01 Player must Enter MainStage + may need ţ ;
eg @Rehab♥1 Play @16j-Rehab♥1 Þ TimeTable
Ticket ţ need 1 after 1 Turn /Scalp to Enter MainStage @Freaks'♥WT01;
Score @BoxOffice♥ /x game action; transferable; w Indieδ no ţ
need to Enter MainStage; Scorecard = ţ [Remove 1 B4 Ŗ]
Visit on Back; Score BackVisits under Goodies
Vulnerable ♠ w Black Mark♠ after Bad Gig; may be Popped = 86 + Lose all-up
to 3 cards
Weed Ẅ need sum to Land @most GigSpots; Smoke§ @Landing [ Return #
@Bank ]; Score @Hoodrat's♥ /Hood Dog's♥ /x game action; # on
coin-art = 1 · 2 · 5 · 10; Land @GSpot w/o minimum # or choose
not to Smoke = 86; maybe supply limit /no change @Bank; no
owner limit x Contractδ symbol = Ẅ