Page 25 - NJFCU Presentation
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Publications & Recognition
Various articles published about or by Solidus, Inc.
Solidus Wins Gold for Building Design/Architect 2017 (The Commercial Record)
Open Concept Design Creates a Customer-Centric Experience (Glory Global Solutions)
4 Essential Strategies for Branch Banking Survival (The Financial Brand)
Bank Branch Transformation; More than Lipstick on a Pig (The Financial Brand)
Space—The Financial Frontier (Banking.Com)
Mapping Success—Branch Site Selection and Design (Banking New England)
Banks’ Strategies and Objectives Shape Branch Models (Banking New England)
4 Credit Union Branch Must-Haves (Credit Union Times)
5 Features of Truly Modern Branches (Credit Union Times)
In Line With Consumer Preferences, Bankers Rethink the Branch (The Commercial Record)
Savings Institute Bank & Trust, Breaking Ground with a New Branch Concept (Savings Institute Website)
Financial Industry Construction Firm Solidus Launches New Website (NEREJ)
Newtown Savings Bank Ground Breaking (Republican American)
New England Retail Branch Construction Company Welcomed to New Location (PR)
Conservative New England Building Company Launches Comic Book Campaign (PR)
See also: The Commercial Real Estate Revolution, by Miller, Strombom, Iammarino & Black
Mark Charette received the 2009 CoreNet Global Innovators Award, for his work with MindSHIFT