Page 18 - EW July 2021 final
P. 18

Education News

             proved by the incumbent government                                     of a student, his/her details
             does not permit government inter-                                      could be accessed from the
             vention, which is necessary. Thus our                                  Educational Management
             demand to scrap all amendments. Un-                                    Information System (EMIS),
             fortunately, this government does not                                  a common online platform
             seem interested in enforcing even the                                  connecting schools, teachers
             little power awarded to it under the                                   and students, by the transferee
             Act. Not even to insist that schools                                   school. However, this directive
             submit their financial audits to the                                   is limited to students transfer-
             education ministry,” says advocate                                     ring from private to govern-
             Anubha Sahai, president of the                                         ment and government aided
             Mumbai-based India-wide Parents                                        schools. Students switching
             Association.                                                           from one private school to
                School managements believe that                                     another still need to produce
             the structure of the Maharashtra Edu-  Chief minister Stalin: playing field tilt  TCs.
             cational Institutions Act provides par-                                   As a result, the state has
             ents sufficient voice — through man-  parties with close links to popular   witnessed an unusual reverse migra-
             datory PTA ECs — to determine the   Tamil cinema way back in 1967, has   tion of students from fee levying
             annual fees of private schools. In the   made an impressive start to his first   private to free-of-charge government
             circumstances, permitting individual   innings as chief minister.   schools because the Covid pandemic
             aggrieved parents to file objections in   One of Stalin’s first big decisions   has resulted in widespread job and
             DFRCs would flood these committees   was to appoint a high-powered   income losses for parents statewide.
             with litigation. Moreover, they claim   Economic Advisory Council (EAC)   Currently, 5 million students are en-
             that despite suffering severe financial   comprising globally respected Indian   rolled in Tamil Nadu’s 12,419 private
             loss during the pandemic shutdown,   diaspora economists including Nobel   schools of which 10,000 are afford-
             most private schools are providing on-  laureate Esther Duflo; Dr. Raghuram   ably priced budget private schools
             line classes to children and granting   Rajan (Booth School of Business,   (BPS). The new directive making TCs
             fee concessions and credit to parents   University of Chicago and former   optional has tilted the playing field
             suffering  job  or  income  losses  on  a   RBI governor); Arvind Subramaniam   in favour of Tamil Nadu’s 37,217
             case-by-case basis.              (former chief economic adviser to   government and 8,403 government-
                Meanwhile private school manage-  the Central government) and Jean   aided schools which were hitherto
             ments  in  Maharashtra  have  pinned   Dreze (Delhi School of Economics) to   experiencing a continuous exodus
             their hopes for raising their fees for   aid and advise the new DMK govern-  to private, especially budget private
             2021-22 on the May 3 judgement   ment to place the state’s economy   schools.
             of the Supreme Court in the Indian   back on track. In the education space   During the past year, nearly
             School, Jodhpur Case that manage-  heavily disrupted by the Covid pan- “300 of my 1,200 students have
             ments are best qualified to determine   demic, an initiative to make trans-  switched to government-run schools,
             tuition and other fees subject to ap-  fer certificates (TCs) optional for   because their parents have expe-
             proval of PTA-ECs. They are hopeful   children switching schools has given   rienced Covid-related financial
             this judgement will become an endur-  a huge boost to languishing govern-  difficulties. Moreover, fees for the
             ing precedent.                   ment schools.                    academic years 2019-20 and 2020-
                            Dipta Joshi (Mumbai)  Rules framed by the state govern-  21 are overdue as most parents
                                              ment over a decade ago under the   haven’t paid their children’s fees.
               TAMIL NADU                     Right of Children to Free and Com-  And this year, they are shifting their
             Pandemic advantage               pulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009,   wards to government schools,” says
                                                                               Dennison, founder of Infant Jesus
                                              required students to produce a TC
                                              issued by the transferor school prior   Matriculation Higher Secondary
                   ince it was re-elected to office   to the transferee school admitting   School, Kalpakkam.
                   after a hiatus of ten years,   them. This was acceptance of a con-   K. Radha, founder-principal
             Sthe new Dravida Munnetra        vention that all fees and dues of the   of the Little Oxford Matric Higher
             Kazhagan (DMK) government led by   transferor school had been cleared.  Secondary School, Chennai, affiliated
             M.K. Stalin, son of M. Karunani-   But under the new directive is-  with the Tamil Nadu Board of Sec-
             dhi, one of the founders of the party   sued on June 22 to all schools, the   ondary Education, says that with the
             (estb.1949) which initiated uninter-  state’s education ministry stated that   state government’s recent announce-
             rupted rule of Dravidian political   by using the Aadhar card number   ment that Aadhar or EMIS number

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