Page 23 - EW July 2021 final
P. 23

informed a press conference in Kol-  to 40 at present, with student enrol-  stay orders. With recruitment frozen,
             kata on June 21.                 ment in higher education rising from   the teacher-pupil ratio in government
                During its first term in office the   1.34 million in 2010-11 to 2.03 million   schools has risen to 1:59 against the
             TMC government was focused on    in 2020-21.                      1:35 prescribed by the RTE Act, 2009,
             cleaning up the mess left behind by   This time around in her third term   exacerbating the already poor quality
             the CPM (Communist Party of India-  as chief minister, Banerjee is reported   education dispensed.
             Marxist)-led Left Front government   to be determined to resolve the prob-  Unsurprisingly, teacher unrest
             which uninterruptedly ruled West   lem  of filling teacher vacancies in   and agitations including a 14-day
             Bengal for a record 34 years (1977-  government schools which defied her   primary teachers’ pay hike strike in
             2011), de-industrialised the state   efforts in the second term. Soon after   August 2019 which ended after the
             and massively infiltrated education   the TMC government was returned   government conceded a grade pay
             institutions. But in her second-term   to power for its second term in 2016,   increase, and a 50,000 para-teachers’
             (2016-21), Banerjee paid considerable   Banerjee promised to recruit 75,000   (part-time classroom assistants) mass
             attention to ensure regular attendance   teachers                 agitation in September 2019, were re-
             of teachers in the state’s 92,000 gov-  But the Teacher Eligibility Test   current in Banerjee’s first two terms
             ernment schools, opposed the no-de-  (TET), which is the basis for recruit-  in office.
             tention provision of the Right of Chil-  ing teachers for government schools,   Against this backdrop, Banerjee’s
             dren to Free & Compulsory Education   was conducted only twice — instead   back-to-back announcements im-
             (RTE) Act, 2009, and reversed the   of annually — during the past ten   mediately after assuming office for
             disastrous Left Front government’s   years. On both occasions, appoint-  a third term,  which include setting
             decision on compulsory Bengali me-  ments were stalled because of wide-  up English-medium schools in every
             dium of instruction in classes I-VII   spread allegations of test paper leak-  district and appointing over 32,000
             by inaugurating 100 English-medium   ages, TMC members being favoured,   teachers in upper primary and pri-
             government primaries in 19 districts   tampered merit lists and appointment   mary schools forthwith, are being in-
             of the state.                    irregularities. As a result, more than   terpreted as a sign of determination
                Moreover during her past two   20 writ petitions challenging the ap-  to  place the  state’s  derailed  school
             terms, the number of universities in   pointments process are pending in the   education system back on track asap.
             the state has increased from 12 in 2011   Calcutta high court which has issued   Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)

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