Page 26 - EW July 2021 final
P. 26

Education Briefs

              Tripartite concordat            the youth of our country,” said Sid-  of government. Moreover, KSPP stu-
                                              dharth Chaturvedi, executive vice   dents will serve in internships and
              MuMbai, june 29. Tata Electronics Pvt.   president of RNTU.      capstone projects with DAKSH to
              Ltd (TEPL) signed an MoU (memo-   Under this partnership, EduSkills   research government and justice sys-
              randum of understanding) with SAS-  Foundation will provide experts to   tems to recommend reforms.
              TRA Deemed-to-be-University, Than-  train  and  enhance  students’  skills   “India is at the cusp of economic
              javur (Tamil Nadu) to develop deep   to make them job-ready. Moreover,   recovery and there is a need for a
              domain expertise to enhance electron-  RNTU and EduSkills Foundation   tectonic shift in our justice system,
              ics design and manufacturing skills   will design a ‘Train the Trainers’ pro-  for improved governance efficiency.
              in collaboration with Asia University   gramme, and offer internships and job   Through our collaboration with KSPP,
              and Yuan Ze University, Taiwan.  opportunities to students.      we are looking forward to gathering
                Under this agreement, students ad-                             meaningful insights that will help
              mitted to the two-year M.Tech degree   Ashank Desai Centre at    in  course  correction,”  said  Harish
              programme in Very Large-Scale Inte-                              Narasappa, co-founder, DAKSH,
              gration (VLSI) design at SASTRA Uni-  IIM-A                      speaking on the occasion.
              versity will study for one year on the                             Added  Sridhar Pabbisetty,
              varsity campus, for the second year in   ahMedabad,  june 18. The Indian In-  founding-director, KSPP: “The MoU
              either Asia/Yuan Ze campuses in Tai-  stitute of Management, Ahmedabad   with DAKSH is another step towards
              wan. The second-year curriculum will   (IIM-A) inaugurated its Ashank De-  ensuring our students acquire practi-
              include practical experience in major   sai Centre for Leadership and Organ-  cal knowledge to contribute towards
              lab facilities, a six-month industry   isational Development (ADCLOD).   better governance causes. We believe,
              internship programme in Taiwan’s   The new centre is endowed by IIM-A   with our combined expertise we will
              advanced semiconductor manufac-  alumnus Ashank Desai, founder and   become the hub for groundbreaking
              turing industry, and a basic Chinese   former chairman of Mastek Ltd, a list-  research and curate implementation
              language skills programme. TEPL   ed software technologies and services   models for a better tomorrow.”
              will work with SASTRA University   company (estb.1982).
              to design the course curriculum and   “I always wanted to give back to   Klaytopia online package
              provide financial support if required.  my alma mater, particularly because
                “India has a critical role to play   Mastek Ltd was incubated within IIM-  bengaluru, june 15. KLAY Preschools
              in global manufacturing, especially   A. I would like the centre to organise   and Daycare — a division of Found-
              in areas like electronic manufactur-  roundtables with leaders for a wide   ing Years Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd
              ing. Our collaboration with SASTRA   variety of themes by way of seminars   (estb.2012) — announced the launch
              U is an endeavour to ensure the hu-  on leadership issues, conduct cutting-  of Klaytopia, a complete early child-
              man capital is industry-ready for this   edge research and create leadership   hood learning package that includes
              emerging opportunity,” said Ranjan   paradigms that are global in terms   this company’s decades-rich experi-
              Bandyopadhyay, head of human    of relevance yet deeply rooted in the   ence in the form of a theme-based
              resources at TEPL, speaking on the   Indian context — our history, tradi-  hands-on activity box, complete with
              occasion.                       tions, and societal values,” said Desai,   virtual lessons and expert support.
                Application forms are available   speaking on the occasion.    This  online  learning  programme  is
              online at from June                               designed for families with children
              30, 2021.                       KSPP-DAKSH agreement             aged 2-6 years. Klaytopia is priced at
                                                                               Rs.1,999 per month.
                                                                                 “Millions of children around the
              RNTU-EduSkills MoU              hyderabad,  june  7.  The Kautilya   world are at the risk of missing their
                                              School of Public Policy (KSPP) of
              new delhi, june 8. Bhopal-based Rabi-  GITAM  Deemed-to-be-University,  schooling altogether due to the pan-
              ndranath Tagore University (RNTU,   Hyderabad, signed an MoU with the   demic. Klaytopia is a big leap forward
              estb.2010) signed a Memorandum   Bengaluru-based DAKSH Society   for us as educators to discharge our
              of Understanding (MoU) with the   (estb.2008) to research better gov-  commitment to make world-class cur-
              Bhubaneswar-based EduSkills Foun-  ernance and improve India’s justice   riculums accessible and inclusive. We
              dation, a non-profit organisation de-  system. Both institutions will conduct   already have over 2,000 enrolments
              veloping industry 4.0-ready digital   mutually supportive and interdisci-  for our online programme and ex-
              professionals.                  plinary research on various facets of   pect to see 4X growth in enrolments
                “We are very happy to sign an MoU   the justice system, and devise inclu-  compared to last year,” said A.K. Sri-
              with EduSkills Foundation to design   sive, transparent mechanisms to en-  kanth, CEO, KLAY Preschools and
              skilling and upskilling courses for   courage accountability in all branches   Daycare, speaking on the occasion.

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