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Institution Profile

             Battle, a former Olympic women’s volleyball player.        SCHOLASTIC OPTIONS AT CSULB
             Long Beach. Sited on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, Long
             Beach (pop. 467,000) is a coastal city famous for its scenic   CSULB’s eight colleges offer a wide range of undergrad and
             waterfronts, RMS Queen Mary (museum ship moored in   postgraduate degree programmes. Among them:
             its Queensway Bay), Aquarium of the Pacific and other sea-  College of Arts. Art, dance, design, film and electronic arts,
             side attractions. The sixth largest city of California, Long   music, theatre arts
             Beach is the second busiest container terminal in the US   College of Business. Accountancy, finance, information sys-
             and among the world’s largest shipping ports. A short drive   tems, international business, management and human re-
             (32 km) from downtown Los Angeles, it offers world-class   sources management, marketing
             dining, shopping and recreation experiences.       College of Education. Advanced  studies  in  education  and
                The weather is Mediterranean — summers are warm   counseling, educational leadership, liberal studies, teacher
             and humid and the winters mild to warm with occasional   education
             rainfall.                                          College of Engineering. Biomedical, chemical, computer sci-
             Campus facilities. A mere 5 km from the Pacific shoreline, the   ence, electrical, mechanical and aerospace engineering,
             CSULB campus in typical American-style sprawls across   civil and construction engineering management
             322 green acres and hosts state-of-the-art academic, re-  College of Health and Human Services. Child development and
             search, sports and recreation facilities. The natural park   family studies, consumer affairs, criminology and criminal
             campus houses 84 buildings of minimalist design that pro-  justice, fashion merchandising and design, food science,
             vide excellent teaching-learning facilities. The allure of the   health science, hospitality management, nursing, nutrition
             campus owes much to the 3,200 Helen Borchers flowering   and dietetics, social work, etc
             peach trees donated by the citizens of Long Beach, and nu-  College of Liberal Arts. Anthropology, communication stud-
             merous works of art and sculpture on the varsity grounds.  ies, economics, English, environmental science and public
                Campus landmarks include the University Art Muse-  policy, French, German, geography, global migration stud-
             um, the Earl Burns Miller Japanese Gardens, the Bob Cole   ies, human development, international studies, legal stud-
             Conservatory of Music, Walter Pyramids and University   ies, medieval and Renaissance studies, philosophy, politi-
             Student Union Building. Moreover, the six-storey CSULB   cal science, psychology, sociology, women’s, gender and
             library hosts 1.1 million printed volumes and offers seating   sexuality studies, etc
             to 4,000 students.                                 College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Biological sci-
                Inevitably, sports and recreation facilities are extensive   ences, chemistry and biochemistry, geological sciences,
             and impressive. They include the cobalt-blue Walter Pyra-  mathematics and statistics, Ocean Studies Institute, phys-
             mid (nine volleyball courts or three full basketball courts);   ics and astronomy
             Blair Field (one of America’s best amateur baseball arenas);   College of Professional and International Education offers a range
             400 m all-weather Jack Rose Track; 500-seat Ken Lind-  of degrees and professional development certificates.
             gren Aquatics Center; Rhodes Tennis Center (12 courts);   Tuition fees (per year): $17,142
             2,000-seat George Allen Field (women’s soccer); LBSU   Living expenses: $13,070                                    NB $=Rs.74
             Sand Courts (beach volleyball); 500-seat LBSU Softball
             Complex; and El Dorado Park Golf Course. Moreover, the
             Student Recreation and Wellness Center, a 126,500-sq. ft,   attended and proof of achievement in co-curricular and
             two-storey highly modern facility is a hub for recreational   sports activities. For further information contact Interna-
             activities, fitness and wellness services.        tional Admission, CSULB Foundation Building, 6,300 East
                Students also have the opportunity to sign up with 300   State University Drive, Room 180, Long Beach, CA 90815,
             student organisations at CSULB, including fraternities and   USA; Ph: +1 562.985.5471; Apply on;
             sororities, special interest clubs, social action organisations
             and honour societies.                             Accommodation. First-year undergrad students are obliged to
             Admission. The minimum criteria for admission is high class   live on campus in varsity-provided housing. Spread across
             XII scores; English language proficiency (TOEFL/IELTS   the campus, residential villages provide single, double and
             test scores) and SAT/ACT clearance. However due to the   triple rooms with laundry and shared kitchen facilities.
             Covid-19 pandemic, the California State University (CSU)   Students living on campus benefit from a residential cur-
             has temporarily suspended the use of ACT/SAT examina-  riculum including free or low-cost programmes and events,
             tions to determine admission eligibility for all CSU institu-  tutoring by on-campus faculty and free Internet access. For
             tions for the academic year 2021-22.              further information, email
                The new deadlines for applications for the spring se-  Degree programmes. CSULB’s eight colleges offer 82 bach-
             mester (2022) is October 1, 2021 and April 1, 2022 for fall   elor’s and 65 Masters degrees, and four doctoral degree
             2022. Applications must be supported with certified Eng-  programmes (see box).
             lish copies of transcripts from all high/secondary schools                       RESHMA RAVISHANKER

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