Page 24 - EW July 2021 final
P. 24
Education Notes
ODISHA istry officials can track Upadhyay, principal, Dis- estimated cost of Rs.1,500
Schools upgradation implementation of various trict Institute for Educa- crore, said medical educa-
drive schemes and initiatives tion and Training (DIET). tion and research minister
such as home learning
The schools issued
O.P. Soni, addressing a
bhubaneswar, june 3. and periodic assessment, notices have been asked press conference.
The Kendrapara district launched by the state gov- to provide proof of total The announcement
administration has set a ernment to improve the capacity in classes I-VIII, came after the minister in-
target to revamp 500 gov- quality of education. he added. augurated a boundary wall
ernment primary schools Inaugurating the cen- of the Dr. B.R Ambedkar
in the district by end 2021. tre’s ‘video wall’ feature, LADAKH State Institute of Medical
“So far, 60 primary and the chief minister held a Online education Sciences, Mohali. “Land
upper primary schools in brief discussion with some has been made available
the district have been giv- field staff of the educa- initiative for all medical colleges.
en a facelift. The focus is tion ministry and received leh, june 4. Ladakh’s Lieu- But Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
on upgrading their infra- feedback about a proj- tenant Governor Radha State Institute of Medi-
structure with good quality ect, and also spoke to a Krishna Mathur launched cal Sciences in Mohali is
benches, desks, toilets primary school teacher in the YounTab digital tab- expected to become op-
among other facilities. To Anand district. lets distribution scheme erational first, since there
this end funds have been Apart from monitoring for government school is an existing 300-bed
allocated to panchayats,” teachers’ and students’ children to enable them to hospital which needs to be
said Kendrapara collector attendance in all govern- access online classes, said upgraded for attachment
Amrit Ruturaj, addressing ment schools statewide, an official spokesperson to the medical college,” he
a press conference. the command centre also addressing the media. said.
Leveraging the Build- provides miscellaneous Under the scheme,
ing As Learning Aid district and other data. 12,300 tablets with pre- DELHI
(BALA) concept to enable loaded online and of- Private school take-
qualitative improvement UTTAR PRADESH fline content, including
in education, the district RTE Act notices textbooks, video lectures over
administration is cur- and online class applica- new delhi, june 26. Based
rently upgrading school noida (uttar pradesh), june tions, will be distributed on the report of a com-
premises, classrooms, 4. Thirty-three private free-of-charge to classes mittee of inquiry consti-
walls and corridors with schools in Noida and VI-XII government school tuted to probe parents’
paintings related to math, Greater Noida have been students in Leh, said Ajeet complaints against the
geography and science. It issued show-cause notices Kumar Sahu, commis- Swami Sivanand Memo-
is also planning to intro- for alleged irregularities in sioner secretary of school rial Secondary School,
duce computer literacy for connection with admis- education. Punjabi Bagh arbitrarily
class IV-V students and sion of children from The distribution of raising fees, the Delhi state
installing digital education economically-weaker tablets will be completed government has decided to
equipment, he added. sections under the Right over the next two months, take over management of
of Children to Free and the spokesman said. “An this private school.
GUJARAT Compulsory Education assurance has also come “Considering the inad-
Real-time command (RTE) Act, 2009. Under from telecom companies equacies and complaints
which were found to be
s.12 (1) (c) of the Act,
about installing additional
centre private unaided schools towers to enhance Internet correct, the Delhi govern-
ahmedabad, june 10. Gu- are obliged to reserve 25 connectivity,” he added. ment has decided to initi-
jarat chief minister Vijay percent capacity in classes ate the process of taking
Rupani inaugurated the I-VIII for poor children PUNJAB over management of the
country’s first real-time in their neighbourhood New medical colleges school under provisions of
command-and-control and provide them free-of- the Delhi School Educa-
centre in Gandhinagar charge education. mohali, june 9. The Pun- tion Act of 1973,” says an
to monitor the activities “These schools have jab government will estab- official statement issued
of over 54,000 govern- allocated lesser number lish four new government by the Delhi state govern-
ment schools statewide. of seats to s.12 (1) (c) chil- medical colleges in Mohali, ment.
Through this control dren than in the previous Hoshiarpur, Kapurthala Paromita Sengupta with bureau
centre, education min- year,” said Sanjay Kumar and Malerkotla at an inputs