Page 70 - Education World September 2021
P. 70


             Narrative verse                                                           almost swallow Dukhey,
                                                                                       the unsuspecting bait and
             message                     JUNGLE NAMA: A STORY OF                       victim.
                                         THE SUNDARBAN
                                         Amitav Ghosh                                     Dukhey’s appeal to
                                         HARPER COLLINS                                Bon Bibi for succour,
                  OLLOWING HIS                                                         her instructions to Shah
                  two widely ac-         Rs.699; Pages 79                              Jongoli to capture the
             Fclaimed fiction                                                          predatory Dokkhin Rai
             novels The Hungry Tide                                                    alive, Dukhey’s surrender
             (2004) and Gun Island                                                     to the mistress of the for-
             (2019), in Jungle Nama   convinced that in this era   Ghosh retrieves one   est and his reverence for
             (2021), Amitav Ghosh re-  of derangement and the   episodic plot from the   his saviour, complete the
             visits the Sundarbans, the   Anthropocene, this book   Bon Bibi Johurnama   legend of this regional folk
             “tangled green archipela-  seriously engages with   and converts it into   deity of the tide country.
             go” of riverine Bengal.   understanding the human   a captivating English   Importantly, the de-
                Ghosh’s first book writ-  predicament.          verse narrative        ity combines Hindu and
             ten in narrative verse is   Written as an alle-                           Islamic characteristics that
             rooted in the mythical tale   gory, the narrative verse                   belong to a folk pantheon,
             of Bon Bibi ‘Mistress of   is focused on line-in-sand   at the bottom of the socio-  regionalised and localised
             the Forest’; Shah Jongoli,   boundaries drawn between   economic pyramid.   but believed to be alive
             her muscle-man brother;   human and animal realms   The acquisitive Dhona   and potent even in con-
             Dokkhin Rai, the demon   in the Sunderbans after   lacks “life’s most splendid   temporary times.
             King in the avatar of a   the arrival from Arabia   gift” of contentment and   The decrees issued
             tiger; Dhona, a greedy   of Bon Bibi, personifying   embarks on a life of thiev-  by Bon Bibi are basic,
             trader and Dukhey, the   compassion, and Shah     ery. “It’s springtime now   universally accepted tenets
             poor victim symbolic of   Jongoli, an embodiment of   and the mangroves are   of environmental balance,
             the common man.          power and strength. Their   filled with hives. Let’s try   protection of habitat and
                In the preface Ghosh   arrival ends the oppres-  to collect the richest hoard   biodiversity and limiting
             admits that the objective   sive rule of Dokkhin Rai,   of our lives,” he exults.   human greed. The ratio-
             of his latest oeuvre is to   who preyed on humans   Preserving and sustaining   nale of the book remains
             express his grave concern   in guise of a tiger with   the natural environment   a single-minded intent of
             about the dangers posed   “stripes, which danced   by practicing needs-based   reiterating these values
             by climate change and    like the flames of a fire”.   resources mining cuts no   “for this era of planetary
             despoliation of the ecology   By demarcating spaces   ice with Dhona.     crisis”.
             and environment through   and enacting laws against   The dramatic plot-line   The author’s experi-
             the oral tradition of folk   transgression, the new   of the mythical narrative   ment with a new literary
             tales passed down from   dispensation ensured     with its components of   form, incorporation of
             one generation to an-    that “every creature had a   adventure and anxiety,   visual images and adap-
             other. These tales survive   place, every want was met/  danger and fear, magic,   tation of the vernacular
             through live staged perfor-  all needs were balanced,   dreams and fantasy   poyar meter into 12
             mances with local varia-  like lines of a couplet.” In   unfolds in the depths of   syllabled lines and 24
             tions while retaining their   contemporary ecological   the forest as Dokkhin Rai   syllabled couplets, sends
             imaginative core themes.   parlance this translates   arouses primal instincts   a strong message of the
                The epic proportions   as respecting biodiversity   that succumb to tempta-  importance of replicating
             of the Bon Bibi Johur-   and ensuring environment   tion. A power game played   literature and story-telling
             nama were documented     sustainability.          out on unequal ground.   to preserve the literary and
             in print in the late 19th   Embedded in this        “You were caught in my   cultural legacy of ancient
             century. Ghosh retrieves   jungle lore is the story   coils when you entered   times.
             one episodic plot from the   of Dhona and Dukhey,   this raj,” growls the demon   This book bears a
             vernacular version and   the former personify-    as he bargains for human   compelling message for
             transcreates it, convert-  ing wealth and the latter   flesh and blood. Salman   our times and Amitav
             ing the verbal text into an   poverty. They re-enact   Toor’s illuminations are   Ghosh is unabashed in
             English verse narrative   the eternal saga of human   evocative of the dark   claiming that the folktale
             with illuminating illus-  greed, exploitation of na-  jungle, dense forest green-  is “founded on a better
             trations. The author is   ture and mass deprivation   ery and peepul tree that   understanding of the hu-

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