Page 16 - EW April 2021
P. 16

Education News

               DELHI                                                             Widespread criticism of the
             Roles definition lesson                                           university’s administration has un-

                                                                               doubtedly dented the reputation of
                                                                               this highly respected varsity ranked
                                                                               India’s #3 private university in the
                                                                               EducationWorld India Higher Edu-
                                                                               cation Rankings 2020-21, and par-
                                                                               ticularly of its trustees and admin-
                                                                               istration. The faculty and students
                                                                               who hitherto regarded themselves
                                                                               as a privileged elite, are also up in
                                                                               arms. Ninety faculty dons of the
                                                                               university in a letter to the university
                                                                               vice chancellor Malabika Sarkar,
                                                                               wrote: “We are greatly troubled by
                                                                               this scenario. Even more troubling
                                                                               is the possibility that our university
                                                                               may have acceded to pressure to re-
                                                                               move Prof. Mehta or to request, and
                                                                               accept, his resignation.”
                                                                                 Students — half of them on vary-
             Ashoka University, Sonipat: dented reputation. Inset: Pratap Bhanu Mehta  ing need-based scholarships — under
                                                                               the aegis of its Student Govern-
                   HE RESIGNATION OF PROF. Pratap  ing in support of a politics that tries   ment, have addressed a three-point
                   Bhanu Mehta from the       to honour constitutional values of   demand  — public acknowledgement
             Tpolitical science faculty of    freedom and equal respect for all   by the founders of what Prof. Mehta
             Ashoka University (AU) on March   citizens, is perceived to carry risks   has indicated; an open meeting with
             15, has stirred the academy in India   for the university. In the interests of   faculty and students and divest-
             and abroad and shaken the carefully   the university, I resign.”  ing administrative powers and
             curated reputation of this seven-   Two days after Indian Express   roles from founders of university to
             year-old university positioned as   broke the story of Mehta’s resig-  elected representatives of faculty and
             the country’s first wholly — Ameri-  nation, Arvind Subramanian,  vice chancellor. According to latest
             can Ivy league-style — liberal arts   former chief economic advisor   reports, Sarkar has given a written
             university.                      (2014-2017) of the incumbent BJP/  assurance to the Student Govern-
                When Mehta was appointed vice   NDA government at the Centre and   ment stating that its nominee would
             chancellor of this institution in 2017   professor in AU’s department of   henceforth be invited to all meetings
             and two years later demoted himself   economics, also put in his papers in   of the board of management.
             to mere faculty, he brought formi-  protest. These high-profile resigna-  Caught in a maelstrom, the
             dable scholarship (alum of Oxford   tions not only hogged national and   AU administration has had to eat
             (UK) and Princeton (USA), teach-  international media headlines but   humble pie and admit to “lapses
             ing experience at Harvard, and as   have also sparked a fierce debate on   in institutional processes”. “We
             president of Delhi-based think tank   academic freedom and university   acknowledge that there have been
             Centre for Policy Research), to AU.   autonomy in contemporary India,   some lapses in institutional pro-
             Perhaps more important, as consult-  where the BJP leadership is quick to   cesses which we will work to rectify
             ing editor and weekly columnist of   classify all criticism of the govern-  in consultation with all stakeholders.
             the multi-editions Indian Express,   ment as anti-national, and to slap   This will reaffirm our commitment
             Mehta has established a reputation   sedition charges on critics.   to academic autonomy and freedom
             as the country’s foremost anti-estab-  Former Reserve Bank of India   which have always been at the core
             lishment public intellectual.    governor Raghuram Rajan was      of the Ashoka University ideals,” says
                In his resignation letter, Prof.   among the first to react. “Ashoka’s   a joint statement signed by chancel-
             Mehta wrote: “After a meeting with   founders have succumbed to outside   lor Rudrangshu Mukherjee, Sarkar,
             founders, it has become abundantly   pressure to get rid of a troublesome   chairman of the board of trustees
             clear to me that my association with   critic. Free speech is the soul of a   (Ashish Dhawan) and significantly,
             the university may be considered a   great university. The founders have   by Mehta and Arvind Subramanian.
             political liability. My public writ-  bartered away its soul,” says Rajan.  According to well-informed

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