Page 18 - EW April 2021
P. 18

Education News

             monitors of India’s higher education                                      agreement and the remain-
             system these high-profile resigna-                                        ing Rs.50 crore within one
             tions from this torch-bearer private                                      year.
             liberal arts university are likely to                                        Under the terms of the
             make the growing tribe of ‘give back’                                     agreement, subject to pay-
             philanthropists think twice about                                         ment of the full amount, the
             promoting private universities.                                           school management com-
                Nevertheless, this controversy                                         mitted to pay a fixed lease
             has highlighted several important                                         rental to VJTFI. According
             university governance issues. One                                         to Jain, Cerestra paid Rs.47
             of them is for clear definition of                                        crore upfront for purchase
             the roles of promoter-trustees, vice                                      of its 51 percent stake in
             chancellor and institutional manage-                                      VJTFI. However, it failed
             ment.                                                                     and  neglected  to  pay  the
                              Autar Nehru (Delhi)  Dr. Jain: cheating complaint        remaining Rs.50 crore for
                                                                                       over three years, a default
               MAHARASHTRA                    devised several strategies to enable   which prompted Jain to terminate the
             Witty-Cerestra fallout           private school promoters to earn sur-  agreement of sale of 51 percent equity
                                              pluses for investment in institutional
                                                                               of VJTFI to Cerestra on December 24,
                                              upgradation and promotion of new   2020.
                   HE  YEAR-LONG  SHUTDOWN  OF  ALL   greenfield schools.        Subsequently, we learned Cerestra
                   education institutions coun-  Typically, an asset management  “had not taken the required per-
             Ttrywide to protect children and   for-profit limited liability company is   mission to enter into the 2016 agree-
             youth  from  the  Covid-19  pandemic   registered by a private school promot-  ment from SEBI (Security Exchange
             has thrown the finances of the over-  er. The physical assets — land, build-  Board of India). It had cheated, mis-
             whelming majority of the country’s   ings, equipment — of a given school/  represented and given wrong repre-
             450,000 private schools into disarray.   college, are sold to the asset manage-  sentations and warranties to us and
             Even in upscale private schools, cash   ment company and leased back to the   wrongly acquired 51 percent stake in
             flows have been adversely affected be-  school which (from fees paid by stu-  VJTFI,” says Jain. Therefore on March
             cause a minority of parents who suf-  dents) pays the company an annual/  31, Jain repudiated the original agree-
             fered salary cuts or deferment or even   monthly lease rent. Payment of rent   ment with Cerestra and formally regis-
             job losses are unable to pay children’s   for leased premises doesn’t fall within   tered a cheating complaint with SEBI.
             school fees.                     the definition of commercial activity   On the other hand, Cerestra claims
                This black swan event i.e, the pan-  for schools.              that while Witty had collected fees
             demic, has been made worse for the   However, the necessity to negotiate   from the students of the school it
             country’s private schools by the Cen-  and devise complex contracts to get   failed to make rental payments to
             tral government’s failure to classify   around legislation and case law which   VJTFI since April 2020, and it was in
             them  as MSMEs (micro small and   forbids “commercialisation of educa-  “wilful default.” Moreover,  Cerestra
             medium enterprises) entitled to sev-  tion” has generated its own problems.   (which declined to speak with Educa-
             eral  pandemic  reliefs  (interest  pay-  In 2016, the Hyderabad-based   tionWorld) has submitted that SEBI
             ment moratoria, soft loans etc), and   Cerestra Infrastructure Trust  regulations prevented them from ac-
             state governments recklessly slashing   (estb.2015) which describes itself as   quiring more than 25 percent stake
             school fees and imposing fee ceilings.   an “edu-infra partners and institution-  in any Indian company and pleaded
             The financial difficulties of private   alised edu-infra sale and leaseback”   force majeure.
             school promoters/managements have   company, entered into an agreement   Since then, the media has been
             created M&A (merger and acquisition)   with Dr. Vinay Jain, promoter-  flooded with press releases from both
             opportunities for well-funded offshore   director of the Mumbai-based Witty   parties, alleging fraud, criminal breach
             education corporates and REITs (real   Group of Institutions which owns four   of trust and cheating. On April 1, an
             estate investment trusts).       K-12 schools, to acquire a 51 percent   arbitration petition was filed in the
                To get around clumsy laws replete   stake in VJTF Infraschool Services   Bombay high court by both the par-
             with loopsholes, drafted by govern-  (Mumbai) Pvt. Ltd (VJTFI), the as-  ties and hearing is set to commence
             ment bureaucrats prohibiting for-  set management company of Witty   on April 9.
             profit corporates and entrepreneurs   International School (Mumbai), for   There the matter rests. For the mo-
             from promoting or owning educa-  Rs.97 crore to be paid in two install-  ment.
             tion institutions, astute lawyers have   ments — Rs.47 crore on signing of the   Dipta Joshi (Mumbai)

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