Page 48 - EW December 2020
P. 48


             AVS’ Vidhukesh Vimal: continuous faculty development outcome  Sharfuddin: determined institutional effort
             ceded rank this year.            dale, Assam Valley School, Balipara   interference of state governments
                Beyond the Top 5, the remaining   and The Doon School, Dehradun be-  with the operations and administra-
             places of the Top 10 table have been   fore being appointed headmaster of   tion of private schools, determined
             awarded to Sahyadri School, Pune,   the new genre superbly equipped SIS   edupreneurs are risking time, money
             at #6 (7); Miles Bronson Residen-  (estb. 2014). Currently, this globally   and other resources and stepping for-
             tial, Guwahati jointly ranked #7   benchmarked co-ed boarding school   ward to meet the rising demand for
             with SelaQui International, Deh-  has 302 students and 45 teachers on   co-ed boarding schools far from mad-
             radun (8);  the Lawrence School,   its muster rolls.              ding crowds, for their children.
             Lovedale, Ooty jointly ranked #8   Beyond the Top 10, several co-ed   Although carping Left academics —
             with Isha Home, Coimbatore (5);   boarding schools have risen in public   driven more by old-fashioned envy of
             Sherwood College, Nainital #9 (6)   esteem and are likely to rise high in   successful risk-taking entrepreneurs
             and Punjab Public School, Nabha   the EWISR league tables of the future.   than real ideological compulsions —
             and  Wynberg Allen, Mussoorie    Among them: St. Thomas Residen-  are likely to deplore the multiplica-
             jointly ranked #10 (9) and (13).  tial School, Thiruvnanthapuram   tion of ‘elite’ co-ed boarding schools,
                “I am truly delighted that SelaQui   at #13 (17) and #1 in Kerala (pop.32   there’s no gainsaying that they serve
             International  is  ranked  among  In-  million);  Anubhuti  School,  Jal-  the national interest.
             dia’s Top 10 and especially #1 in the   gaon #15 (18) and #3 in Maharash-  A last word. Although given the
             education hub of Uttarakhand. This   tra (pop. 115 million); St. Michael’s,   vast size and diversity of India, some
             is the outcome of the sustained effort   Siliguri #19 (23);  Aryan School,   excellent co-ed boarding  schools are
             invested by my colleagues who despite   Dehradun #27 (34); De Paul In-  modestly ranked in the national league
             many personal and professional chal-  ternational, Mysore/Mysuru #28   table, it’s pertinent to note they are of-
             lenges, have stepped up to support our   (33); the previously unranked Velam-  ten top-ranked in their states which in
             students and parents during the cur-  mal Residential School, #29; Ka-  terms of size and population are equal
             rent pandemic. They have reinvented   ziranga English Academy, Guwa-  to most European countries.
             themselves and in the process, the en-  hati #33 (36).              For instance the  Rajghat  Be-
             tire pedagogical process. SIS’ steady   Moreover, several previously un-  sant School, Varanasi ranked #13
             growth, excellent board results and   ranked, presumably newly promoted   nationally is the #1 co-ed boarding
             higher ranking this year are attrib-  primary-secondaries — Vidyaman-  school of the heartland state of Uttar
             utable solely to their determined ef-  gal  Residential, Surat;  Birla   Pradesh (pop. 215 million); the Sagar
             forts. I must also thank our chairman,   International, Ajmer;  Eklavya   School, Alwar #15 is top-ranked
             Mr. Om Pathak and board members   Model   Residential   School,   in Rajasthan (pop.68 million)  and
             for their continuous support,” says   Navsari  (Gujarat);  Slopeland   the low-profile  Himali  Boarding
             Rashid Sharfuddin, an alumnus of   Pubi, Khongjom; Seth M.R. Jai-  School, Kurseong (estb.1978) is #1
             St. Stephen’s College, Delhi and the   puria, Babatpur Campus  (UP);   in West Bengal (pop. 91 million). In
             University of Bath (UK) who began   Anand Niketan Eklayvya Model,   these anxious pandemic times, when
             his teaching career at age 21 and gar-  Valsad — have made their debut in   anxious parents are disinclined to
             nered rich experience as a teacher in   EWISR 2020-21. This is encouraging   send their children too far from home,
             several top-ranked boarding schools   testimony that despite official discour-  the state rankings of boarding schools
             including Lawrence School, Love-  agement and increasing unwarranted   have acquired greater importance.

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