Page 10 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 10


                                              As detailed in our cover story, the   by your rankings, we will strive hard-
                                              annual EW India Government       er to be rated the best in the country
                                              University Rankings are based    and hope to be awarded autonomous
                                              on perceptual scores awarded by   status in the near future.
                                              4,168 sample respondents including          Rev. Dr. Simao R. Diniz
                                              college/university faculty, indus-  Principal, Rosary College of Com-
                                              try representatives and final year      merce & Arts, NAVELIM (GOA)
                                              college students who rated India’s
                                              Top 300 universities — private and
                                              government — on ten parameters of   Disappointing ranking
                                              higher education excellence (see p.56   WE ARE REALLY disappointed with
                                              EW May) — Editor                 the #12 all-India ranking of FLAME
                                                                               University, Pune in the EW India
                                                                               Private University Rankings 2020-21
                                              Rank B.Ed colleges               (EW May). We honestly believe that
                                              I AM DISAPPOINTED that the EW    there is some error in the research,
                        MAY 2020              Private Higher Education Rank-   possibly by overlooking some key
                                              ings survey (EW April) doesn’t have   facts.
                                              a separate league table for teacher   We would like to better
                                              training colleges. I’m sure you’ll   understand on what basis the
             Morale booster                   agree with me that the biggest bug-  parameter scores have been given.
             I AM VERY happy to learn that Kavi-  bear of K-12 education is the lack of   Has the team doing the evaluation
             kulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University   good quality teachers. As a regular   visited our campus or did they speak
             (KKSU) is ranked #60 all-India and   reader, I have seen several articles   with anyone at FLAME to gather
             #6 in Maharashtra in the Educa-  in EW on teacher training and its   information?
             tionWorld Government University   importance in the country’s educa-            Sadhana Badrinath
             Rankings 2020-21.                tion system.                         Regional Head-Admissions Out-
                KKSU is a Sanskrit university.   I hope you will consider including   reach (South), FLAME University,
             This recognition has boosted the   a separate league table for B.Ed col-                   PUNE
             morale of our faculty and students   leges in your future higher education
             and we look forward to your support   surveys.                    See response to second letter above
             in achieving excellence in higher           Smitha Rao on E-MAIL   — Editor
                         Shrinivasa Varakhedi
                               Vice chancellor  Encouraged & motivated         Wrong classification
                       KKSU, Ramtek, NAGPUR   KUDOS TO EducationWorld for con-  In the EW Autonomous Colleges
                                              ducting a highly professional higher   Rankings 2020-21, you have wrongly
                                              education rankings survey. We are   classified Kanchi Mamunivar
             Methodology query                very pleased to be ranked Goa’s #2   Centre for Postgraduate Studies,
             THANKS FOR publishing the EW In-  and India’s #13 most admired non-  Puducherry, as a private college.
             dia Government University Rankings   autonomous college.          Please note it is a government
             2020-21 (EW May). I am curious to   Rosary College of Commerce and   autonomous college. I request you to
             know on what basis you have award-  Arts, Navelim (Goa) has come a long   correct the error.
             ed scores under the parameters of   way since its humble beginning back   Dr. D. Aravazhi Irissappane
             competence of faculty, research and   in 1990. Since then, the college has   Director, Kanchi Mamunivar
             innovation, infrastructure, etc.   been providing students, especially   Centre for Postgraduate Studies
                We always send our university   from underprivileged households,     (Autonomous), PONDICHERRY
             data for NAAC and NIRF rankings   opportunities to excel in life.
             done by the Government of India.   Over the past 30 years, we have   Kanchi Mamunivar Centre for
             It seems your rankings don’t match   initiated major improvements in   Postgraduate Studies has been
             with NIRF. Please clarify on the   academics and research as also in   reclassified and ranked #60 in the
             authenticity of your data.       infrastructure, with modernisation   Government Autonomous Colleges
                              Dr. Renu Chugh  and construction of new academic   Rankings league table published
                    Director, Research, Maharshi   blocks.                     online (see www.educationworld.
                   Dayanand University, ROHTAK  Encouraged and deeply motivated   in) — Editor

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