Page 8 - EducationWorld June 2020
P. 8


             STILL TIME TO BOOST AGGREGATE DEMAND                              from government with the remaining
                                                                               15 percent paid by their employers.
                                                                               Therefore, it’s a mystery why despite
                n a dramatic broadcast on national   advanced by her in media interviews   over 1 billion citizens having been
                television and radio on May 12,   was that the first three tranches of the   conferred UID (unique identity), the
             Iprime minister Narendra Modi an-  package were carefully designed to   best that the BJP/NDA government
             nounced a Rs.20 lakh crore (equiva-  ease the flow of bank credit to indus-  can do is to deposit a mere Rs. 500 per
             lent to 10 percent of GDP projected for   try to pay wages and reignite the fire of   month into the bank accounts of 80
             2020-21) stimulus package to get the   India Inc, especially MSMEs.    million women who have Jan Dhan
             wheels of industry and business mov-  One presumes the FM’s preference   accounts.
             ing. Three days after the final instal-  for loans over grants and more than   Against this, your editor has re-
             ment of the economy stimulus pack-  abundant caution that is a defining   peatedly sent detailed proposals to
             age was presented to the nation on   characteristic of the reported Rs.20   the Union government and its several
             May 17, the Times of India (May 20)   lakh crore economy stimulus package,   agencies to directly deposit Rs.4,444
             reported that calculations and analy-  is rooted in apprehension of damage   monthly  for  the  next 12 months  or
             ses of over a dozen banks — including   to the banking system, impact on the   Rs.6,000 per month for the next nine
             the government-owned SBI — broker-  fiscal deficit and runaway inflation.   months, into the bank accounts of 150
             ages and rating agencies, indicate that   Yet it is pertinent to note that in sev-  million poorest households to tide
             after all the grants, loans and conces-  eral countries around the world, these   them over the Covid crisis.
             sions of the package are added up,   fears have been set aside to compen-  The finance minister still has the
             size of the stimulus is Rs.2 lakh crore,   sate citizens for loss of jobs and live-  time and opportunity to make good
             equivalent to 1-1.3 percent of GDP.    lihoods during the Covid-19 induced   the Rs.20 lakh crore stimulus pack-
                On the other hand, Sitharaman   national lockdowns.            age pledge of the prime minister by
             maintains that the entire package   In the US and Canada, all citizens   setting aside Rs.12 lakh crore for in-
             starting from March 26 when the first   who have been furloughed (tempo-  dustry, agriculture and the services
             Rs. 1.7 lakh crore stimulus was an-  rarily unemployed) are compensated   sector to boost production and em-
             nounced for industry and other stim-  with government cheques of $1,200-  ployment. The remaining Rs.8 lakh
             uli  given to banks to ease credit flows,   $6,000) directly deposited into their   crore urgently needs to be paid by way
             plus the first three  tranches of the last   bank accounts. More wondrously, in   of direct benefit transfer to 150 mil-
             package add up to Rs. 12 lakh crore or   the UK furloughed employees are re-  lion poorest households as grants that
             6.60 percent of GDP. The argument   ceiving 85 percent of their current pay   will also boost aggregate demand.

             SILVER LINING OF FEEBLE STIMULUS PACKAGE                          bureaucracy — surely spur rural growth
                                                                               and development.
                                                                                 Likewise, the privatisation of PSEs
                  he reportedly rs.20 lakh crore   sequence of discouraging construc-  proposal included in the stimulus pack-
                  post-Covid-19 economy stimu-  tion of private warehouses and stor-  age will be a gamechanger, if imple-
             Tlus package announced by prime   age units in which farmers could hold   mented in letter and spirit. All PSEs in
             minister Narendra Modi in a national   stocks awaiting price stabilisation,   non-strategic industries will be priva-
             televised broadcast on May 12 has   rather than distress sell their produce.   tised. Moreover, private companies will
             greatly disappointed India Inc and   Refreshingly, the stimulus package in-  be permitted entry into strategic indus-
             most monitors of the Indian economy   cludes provision of Rs.1 lakh crore for   tries where the number of PSEs will be
             because of its opacity and promise of   an Agri Infrastructure Fund for loans   restricted to four. By any yardstick, this
             loans strewn across Central govern-  to agri-business entrepreneurs (not   is a radical and comprehensive dena-
             ment programmes, and token grants   government enterprises, please!) to   tionalisation initiative. The plain truth
             for stimulating aggregate demand.   promote downstream warehousing,   is that over the past several decades,
             Nevertheless the uninspiring stimu-  cold chain and food processing busi-  the country’s over 500 perennially loss-
             lus package has a silver lining. Buried   nesses in rural outbacks.   making PSEs and nationalised banks
             within its details are declarations of   In this connection, it’s noteworthy   have bled the economy dry by their
             intent to legislate comprehensive land   that because of historical discourage-  failure to generate surpluses for invest-
             and agriculture reforms, and sweep-  ment  of a  downstream agri-produce   ment in public education and health.
             ing denationalisation of public sector   processing industry, India’s farmers in-  The Modi government’s financial
             enterprises (PSEs).              cur a loss of Rs.50,000 crore every year   stimulus package to revive the coma-
                The agri reforms package con-  due to produce despoliation. The pro-  tose economy in the aftermath of the
             tains the overdue proposal to abolish   posed establishment of a national free   Covid-19 crisis and the national lock-
             the Essential Commodities Act, 1955   market for agri-produce will result in   down is inadequate. But its agriculture
             which imposes limits on the quantities   high farm gate prices and huge reduc-  revival and PSE denationalisation pro-
             of wheat, rice, onions, cooking oil etc   tion in wastage of horticulture produce   posals — if forcefully implemented —
             that wholesalers and traders can stock   in particular. This coupled with ear-  have the potential to engineer a clean
             in warehouses and godowns. Enacted   lier reforms proposed to allow contract   break with the bankrupt socialist de-
             to prevent hoarding and profiteering,   farming and free sale of rural land, will   velopment model of post-independence
             the Act has had the unintended con-  — if not sabotaged by the nit-picking   India.

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