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Institution Profile

             academic agreements with more than 80 international part-  SCHOLASTIC OPTIONS AT CURTIN
             ner institutions in 20 countries.
             Perth. The admin capital of Western Australia, Perth is the   Curtin University offers undergrad, postgraduate and doc-
             country’s gateway to South-east and North-east Asia and   toral programmes across five faculties and ten broad study
             is in the same time zone as Singapore, Malaysia and Hong   areas. They include:
             Kong. With a small population of 1.9 million, it provides a   Agriculture, environment and sustainability. Agricultural science,
             clean and safe academic environment with more affordable   coastal and marine science, environmental science, food
             living costs than metro cities such as Melbourne and Syd-  science, geography, agribusiness
             ney. The city is scenically sited on the River Swan between   Architecture and construction. Interior architecture, construc-
             the Indian Ocean and the Darling Range of mountains and   tion management, urban and regional planning, landscape
             hosts a strong economy with low levels of unemployment.   and natural resource management
             It also offers hundreds of restaurants and cafes, parks, cin-  Arts and creative industries. Digital and social media, theatre
             emas, nightclubs and music venues as well as great shop-  arts, professional writing and publishing, journalism, cre-
             ping to students and citizens.                     ative writing, screen arts, creative arts, fashion design, ani-
                Moreover, with its Mediterranean climate of hot dry   mation and game design, fine art, and screen arts
             summers and mild winters, this coastal city is perfect for   Business, management and law. Business administration, com-
             sports and leisure pursuits and offers a long menu including   merce, law, human resources, information system, market-
             tennis, golf, whale watching and sailing.          ing MBA and accounting, finance and taxation
             Campus facilities. CU is spread across five campuses in West-  Culture, society and indigenous. Psychology, human resources
             ern Australia. Its largest campus is sited on 286 acres in   management and several courses in Chinese, history and
             the Perth suburb of Bentley, 10 km from city centre. Set   international relations
             in landscaped gardens, the campus offers state-of-the-art   Engineering, mining and related technologies. Chemical engi-
             classrooms, laboratories, libraries, research centres and   neering and chemistry, civil and construction engineering
             excellent sports and recreation facilities to students. “Ev-  and mining, surveying, extractive metallurgy
             erything you need is within easy walking distance. There is   Moreover the departments of education, health, information
             a world-class art gallery, travel agencies, full banking fa-  technology & physical sciences and mathematics offer several
             cilities, bookshop, computer shop, sports store, childcare   study programmes
             facilities and many active sports clubs and societies,” says   Tuition fees (per year): A$34,700-36,800
             a university spokesperson.                         Living expenses: A$18,000-28,000            NB A$=Rs.55
                Inevitably in field sports, track and field games and
             aquatics sports-obsessed Oz, CU’s sports facilities are excel-
             lent. They include the Edinburgh sports pavilion, a hockey   demic is generally accepted as sufficient proof of English
             stadium, well-equipped gymnasia, badminton, tennis, bas-  language proficiency.
             ketball and netball courts. Miscellaneous facilities include   Foreign students have the option to apply directly to
             cafes and restaurants, a multi-faith prayer facility, medita-  the university ( or through an agent or
             tion room, and a spiritual garden.                university representative (
                Two additional campuses are sited in Perth’s central   plying/international/agent/). The next admission deadline
             business district — Perth Curtin Murray Street which hosts   is February 5, 2022 for term beginning in 2023. For further
             the Curtin Graduate School of Business and Curtin Law   information contact +61 8 9266 5888; e-mail: study@cur-
             School where business professionals and postgrad students; website:
             learn at 137 and 139 St. Georges Terrace. The fourth campus   Accommodation. The Perth campus offers several student ac-
             is in Midland, another suburb of Perth, and it offers medi-  commodation options. They include the Erica Underwood
             cine and allied health sciences study programmes. CU’s fifth   House with 54 fully furnished six-bedroom apartments
             campus is sited in the historic mining town of Kalgoorlie in   (located around the shopping complex and restaurants);
             the Goldfields region of Western Australia (600 km from   Vickery House (fully furnished six-to-eight-bedroom units),
             Perth) famous for its Super Pit, Oz’s second largest open cut   Guild House (facing the Curtin stadium with double room
             gold mine that produces 456,000 troy ounces of gold annu-  options), the Kurrajong Village on the West side of the cam-
             ally. This campus hosts the globally respected WA School of   pus and two new residential facilities — Twin Dolphin Hall
             Mines: Minerals, Energy and Chemical Engineering.   and St. Catherine’s College.
             Admission. The minimum eligibility criterion for admission   Degree programmes. CU offers a wide range of bachelor’s,
             into Curtin’s undergraduate programmes is successful com-  Masters and doctoral programmes across five faculties —
             pletion of Plus Two with a 60 percent-plus average (CBSE/  business and law; health sciences; humanities; science and
             CISCE) and/or 65 percent (state boards). Applicants also   engineering; Centre for Aboriginal Studies (see box).
             have to demonstrate English language competence. A mini-
             mum score of 79 in TOEFL or 6 in IELTS or 58 in PTE Aca-                         RESHMA RAVISHANKER

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