Page 26 - EW August 2021
P. 26

Institution Profile

                         N.L. Dalmia High School, Thane

                         Promoted in 1991 by businessman and philanthropist, Niranjanlal Dalmia, NLDHS
                      is ranked among top dozen co-ed day schools of Maharashtra in the EducationWorld
                                               India School Rankings 2020-21

                                                          DIPTA JOSHI
                   OCATED IN MUMBAI’S
                   satellite city of Thane, over
                   the past three decades,
             LN.L. Dalmia High School
             (NLDHS, estb.1991) has acquired a
             good reputation for providing ho-
             listic values-based English-medium
             education in a conducive teaching-
             learning environment. Affiliated with
             the Delhi-based Council of the In-
             dian School Certificate Examinations
             (CISCE), this co-ed day school offers
             K-12 education to 3,000 students
             mentored by 152 teachers. In the
             latest EducationWorld India School
             Rankings 2020-21, NLDHS is ranked
             #12 in Maharashtra (pop.112 million)
             and #2 in Thane district. Moreover,
             the school was also awarded a special
             prize for social impact by an EW
             Grand Jury.
                Promoted by the
             N.L. Dalmia Educa-
             tional Society (NL-
             DES, estb.1982),                 NLDHS main block: heavy infrastructure investment. Inset: Seema Saini
             NLDHS is the out-
             come of founder-                 bai University and Xavier University,   in enabling infrastructure. Its 55
             chairman Niran-                  USA. Former head of the economics   fully-wired classrooms apart, the
             janlal Dalmia’s    N.L. Dalmia   department, APS-Eicher Good Earth   school offers students access to three
             vision to provide                Foundation, Alwar and former HRD   science and two computer labs, a
             education to serve the public. An   director of N.L. Dalmia Educational   fully-equipped conference room, a
             alumnus of Hindu College, Delhi,   Society, Saini was appointed princi-  human resource development centre
             freedom fighter, and businessman-  pal of NLDHS in 2009 and CEO of   to provide continuous training and
             philanthropist, Dalmia (1915-2005)   NLDES in 2016.               development programmes for teach-
             articulated the school’s mission as   Spread over 1.21 acres, the   ers and admin staff and a multi-
             providing quality English-medium   school’s capital-intensive infrastruc-  activity hall for co-curricular music,
             education enabled by world-class   ture has been consistently upgraded   yoga, dance and art education. The
             infrastructure to nurture the innate   to international standards. All 55   school also boasts four seminar halls
             potential of children and develop   classrooms in its six-storey main   with an aggregate seating capacity of
             global citizens with Indian values.   block are equipped with interac-  688 and an auditorium with equiva-
             Since then, the society has added two   tive smart boards integrating latest   lent capacity. Moreover, the library
             more institutions — the N.L. Dalmia   digital technologies to improve the   houses 14,600 print volumes and 72
             Institute of Management Studies and   learning experience of students. The   computer terminals for online read-
             Research (estb.1995) and the N.L.   classrooms are also STEAM (sci-  ing and connectivity.
             Dalmia College of Arts, Commerce   ence, technology, engineering, arts   This enabling learning environ-
             and Science (2018). Together they   and maths) ready. Moreover, teacher   ment for students and faculty and
             educate 4,500 children and youth.   training and professional develop-  ready acceptance of teaching-learn-
                “The motto of our school — ‘In   ment is an important priority of the   ing innovations such as flipped class-
             Pursuit of Excellence’ — encapsu-  NLDHS management.              rooms, group discussions, Socratic
             lates our founder’s belief that high   An outstanding feature of the   questioning, role play, peer learning,
             quality education awakens the in-  compact NLDHS campus is the    dramatics, declamation, cross-
             nate potential of all children,” says   heavy investment the school’s   over learning and research-based
             Seema Saini, an alumna of Mum-   promoters/management has made    projects, has paid off. In 2020, of

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