Page 24 - EW August 2021
P. 24
Education Briefs
IIT-G-Mizoram U concordat rural areas to generate employment. HCCB’s business experience in India
AISECT will implement the project in for use in B-schools and education in-
Guwahati, july 29. The Indian Insti- seven locations — Bemetara, Rajgarh, stitutions.
tute of Technology, Guwahati (IIT-G, Narayanpur, Bijapur, Durg, Jhansi Until August 20, registered partici-
estb.1994) has signed an agreement and Chitrakoot,” says an AISECT pants will compete in several elimina-
with Mizoram University to jointly spokesperson. tion rounds with Top 5 teams quali-
develop academic programmes. The fying for the final round where each
two institutions will also cooperate IDP-IELTS takeover team will present a comprehensive
in pedagogy development and R&D business plan to the HCCB leadership.
activities, and promote exchange of New delhi, july 1. The Australia-based The winning team will receive a
students. IDP and British Council, hitherto prize purse of Rs.3 lakh with pre-
Under terms of the agreement, partners of IELTS, the world’s most placement interviews at HCCB. The
IIT-G and Mizoram U will encour- popular English language proficiency runner-up teams will also be awarded
age contact and cooperation between test, have announced that the council purses of Rs.2 lakh and Rs.1 lakh with
their faculty members, departments will sell its IELTS business in India to pre-placement interviews.
and research facilities. The institu- IDP. This means that henceforth, all “The competition has been de-
tions will cooperate through faculty IELTS tests in India will be adminis- signed to enable students to use their
exchanges to deliver lectures, conduct tered by IDP. analytical skills, deep dive into prob-
seminars, discussions, research and Under terms of the agreement, lem statements and devise solutions
supervise students’ projects. Students IDP will acquire 100 percent of Brit- best suited to address business chal-
will be encouraged to attend courses ish Council’s India IELTS business lenges,” says Kamlesh Sharma,
offered by the partner institutions and for £130 million (Rs.1,341 crore) on a chief public affairs and communica-
collaborate in research projects. debt-free, cash-free basis. The agree- tions officer at HCCB.
“Signing this MoU is an impor- ment terms state that British Council
tant step in enhancing the relation- employees employed in IELTS India Jain U-Apollo agreement
ship of both institutes and provides a will be absorbed by IDP. “This agree-
valuable opportunity for students of ment will see us move forward with a BeNGaluru, july 5. In collaboration
Mizoram U in teaching and research. bigger team of experts, a strong strat- with Apollo MedSkills (ASML), Jain,
It will help our students to get expo- egy and a larger geographic footprint Deemed-to-be-University (JU) will
sure in advanced instrumentation and across India,” said Andrew Barkla, train students of the university’s
facilities available at IIT-G,” said Prof. chief executive of IDP, speaking on the School of Allied Healthcare and Sci-
K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao, vice chan- occasion. ences. Under the agreement, JU stu-
cellor, Mizoram University, speaking “Distributing IELTS solely through dents will acquire practical experience
on the occasion. IDP in India will simplify and improve of paramedical vocations in ASML
the customer experience for IELTS labs, and on-the-job training/clinical
AISECT-NSDC-Microsoft test takers. As IDP already delivers internships in Apollo Group and as-
IELTS in India, the high-quality ser-
sociated hospitals. Science and allied
project vice provided to IELTS customers healthcare students of JU are eligible
will remain the same,” added Kate for all ASML programmes.
New delhi, july 23. The skills devel- Ewart-Biggs, interim CEO of Brit- “There is a big future for para-
opment focused AISECT Group which ish Council. medical sciences graduates. India
includes the Rabindranath Tagore urgently needs professionals to sup-
and C.V. Raman universities in Mad- Coke’s India Case port the medical fraternity and also
hya Pradesh and Jharkhand has been serve society. This association with
commissioned by the National Skill Challenge Apollo MedSkills will enable JU to
Development Corporation (NSDC) expand the national pool of health-
and Microsoft India to implement BeNGaluru, july 28. More than 17,000 care professionals,” said Dr. Chenraj
their rural development projects. students from several B-schools and Roychand, chancellor of JU, speak-
In association with NSDC, Micro- engineering colleges countrywide will ing on the occasion.
soft has initiated a project for devel- vie for top three awards at the inau- “Consistent with our vision of
oping women data entry executives gural edition of India Case Challenge building future healthcare leaders for
in rural and peri-urban India. “The organised by Hindustan Coca-Cola India, JU and ASML have collaborat-
project’s objective is to develop ICT Beverages (HCCB). The objective of ed to deliver programs in healthcare
(information communication tech- this digitally-enabled competition is management,” added Dr. Srinivasa
nology) skills of women residing in to write up case studies relating to Rao, CEO of Apollo MedSkills.