Page 21 - EW August 2021
P. 21

that it’s the duty of local education   “Since we cannot block students   to acceptable standards so that the
             ministry officials to sort out manage-  with unpaid fees from attending on-  middle class can avail free-of-charge
             ment-parents disputes.           line classes, there’s no guarantee that   primary-secondary education,
                However, the learned judge’s   parents will regularly pay fees on due   parents’ associations are targeting
             ruling with its somewhat contradic-  instalment dates. Unless parents will-  private schools. “The court order
             tory directives has evoked mixed   ingly pay their instalments, school   to pay 85 percent of (contracted)
             response from private schools and   managements are helpless. With high   fees is too heavy a burden in these
             parents’ communities.            costs of fees collection and irregular   pandemic times. Instead, private
                “Following the court’s verdict, our   cash flow, our member schools are   schools should seek relief from the
             cash flow will increase by Rs.20-40   likely to experience great difficulty in   government by way of exemption of
             lakh this year. This will enable us to   paying the salaries of 300,000 teach-  vehicle or property taxes rather than
             pay an additional Rs.1,000-2,000 to   ers and nearly 200,000 support staff.    insisting that parents pay high fees,”
             our teachers who have been getting   On the one hand, schools have the   says Arumainathan, president of
             only 75 percent of their contracted   authority to collect fees but the order   the Tamil Nadu Parents Welfare As-
             salaries,” says Priyanka Nandha-  states that schools cannot expel any   sociation.
             kumar, secretary at Sri Sankara Ma-  student for non-payment of fees. Our   This argument is typical of post-
             triculation Higher Secondary School,   next step is to appeal to the state gov-  independence India’s subsidies-ad-
             Chennai, which has 1,200 students   ernment to underwrite unpaid fees,”   dicted middle class. It is tantamount
             and 58 teachers on its muster rolls.  says Martin Kennedy, president   to penalising risk-bearing private
                But even though the high court   of the Tamil Nadu Private Schools   school promoters for the ‘crime’ of
             has allowed private school man-  Association.                     promoting learning institutions while
             agements to collect 85 percent of   Curiously, instead of pressuris-  government schools established at
             contracted annual fees, they are   ing the state government to improve   public expense are allowed to go
             perplexed about ways and means to   teaching-learning standards in Tamil   from bad to worse.
             derive the benefit of this court order.  Nadu’s 37,500 government schools   Shivani Chaturvedi (Chennai)

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