Page 18 - EW August 2021
P. 18

Education News

             children.                        that “the situation in the state of West
                “The number of children who have   Bengal is a manifestation of ruler,
             dropped out of the school system in   instead of rule of law,” Banerjee has
             Karnataka is massive — much more   dismissed the commission’s report as
             than official figures. The correct fig-  biased and exaggerated. She blames
             ure can be ascertained only if a door-  cadres of the CPM (Communist Party
             to-door survey is conducted. The   of  India-Marxist)  which  ruled  West
             only way to stem this rising drop-out   Bengal uninterruptedly for 34 years
             tide is to reopen schools — especially   (1977-2011), for establishing a tradi-
             primaries — immediately. For under-  tion of violence after every election.
             privileged children, schools — espe-  Be that as it may, buoyed by the
             cially government schools — are the   massive mandate awarded to TMC
             safest places during the pandemic.   by the West Bengal electorate despite
             Already too much damage has been   the BJP having repeatedly deployed
             caused to children’s education by the   its election-winning heavyweights —
             world’s longest schools lockdown.   prime minister Narendra Modi and
             The government needs to reopen   Union home minister Amit Shah — to
             schools right now,” says Dr. V.P.   campaign rallies in the state, Banerjee
             Niranjanaradhya, senior fellow   has set about implementing the TMC’s
             and programme head, Universalisa-  poll promises.
             tion of Equitable Quality Education   These include  duare  ration, to
             Programme at the National Law    deliver food rations to people’s door-
             School of India University, Benga-  steps;  lokkhir bhandar, which pro-  stand guarantee. Henceforth, students
             luru.                            vides Rs.6,000 per year as support   need not run from pillar to post for
                The urgency that informed aca-  payment to SC/ST households; and   education loans. I hope this loan will
             demics exhibit to restart on-campus   duare tran, as relief payments to vic-  help students fulfil their dreams,” Ba-
             schooling is not shared by politi-  tims of cyclone Yaas which hit West   nerjee told reporters at a virtual press
             cians and bureaucrats. According to   Bengal in May. Moreover, post-elec-  conference.
             informed sources in the education   tion surveys indicate that the TMC 3.0   Under the students’ credit card
             ministry, Karnataka’s schools are   government’s initiatives in education   scheme, the loan amount can be uti-
             unlikely to be allowed to reopen   — especially a May 10 announcement   lised for undergraduate, postgraduate,
             anytime soon for fear of an imminent   to establish English-medium schools   doctoral and post-doctoral study in
             third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.   in 341 admin blocks statewide, and   India or abroad. It can also be availed
                    Reshma Ravishanker (Bengaluru)  a June 21 announcement to appoint   for paying the fees of tutorial insti-
                                              32,000 teachers in upper primary and   tutes preparing students for competi-
               WEST BENGAL                    primary schools by March next year —   tive exams, hostel fees, books, study
             Brisk start                      have resonated with the electorate. On   material, computers and laptops with
                                                                               loanees given a 15 years’ time window
                                              June 26, Banerjee announced estab-
                                              lishment of six new medical colleges in   to repay the loan at a subsidised in-
                    otwithstanding a large shadow   Hooghly, Howrah, North 24 parganas,   terest rate of 4 percent with the state
                    cast by the National Human   East Midnapore, Jahjargram and Jal-  government paying the remaining
             NRights Commission (NHRC)        paiguri districts, subject to clearance   interest to banks directly. According
             which after probing incidents of post-  by the National Medical Commission   to  government  sources,  annual  ex-
             poll violence following re-election for   (NMC).                  penditure for the scheme is budgeted
             a third term of the ruling Trinamool   Moreover on June 30, Banerjee   at Rs.5,000 crore. A senior official of
             Congress (TMC) in May, has recom-  announced the launch of India’s first   the state government’s finance minis-
             mended a Central Bureau of Investiga-  credit card for students with an upper   try reveals that 26,600 applications
             tion (CBI) probe to the Calcutta high   limit of Rs.10 lakh to fulfil one of her   for the credit card including 9,700
             court, chief minister Mamata Baner-  key pre-election promises. The card   from women students were received
             jee remains unfazed. Even though the   empowers any student — from class   by July 13.
             seven-member NHRC, constituted fol-  X to up to 40 years of age — who has   Political pundits in West Bengal
             lowing a high court order of June 18,   lived in Bengal for ten years, to get   believe that after her decisive three-
             has slammed the newly-elected TMC   a loan for higher studies in India or   in-a-row victory in this summer’s as-
             government  for  sounding  “a  death   abroad. “No guarantor is needed for   sembly election, Banerjee is all set to
             knell” for democracy and remarked   this loan. The state government will   play a major role in national politics.

             18    EDUCATIONWORLD   AUGUST 2021
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