Page 16 - EW August 2021
P. 16

Education News

             harashtra English Schools Trustees                                        to pay teachers and staff
             Association (MESTA) which claims to                                       salaries.
             have a membership of 18,000 institu-                                        The KAMS survey
             tions statewide.                                                          highlighting “missing stu-
                Moreover, Patil stresses that in its                                   dents” is backed by interim
             anxiety to follow the directive of the                                    student enrolment data
             Supreme Court in the Indian School,                                       for the new academic year
             Jodhpur case — which Justices A.H.                                        2021-22 — the last date for
             Khanwilkar and Dinesh Maheshwari                                          admissions is August 31,
             emphasised, was applicable only to                                        2021 — compiled under
             Rajasthan during the pandemic — the                                       the government’s Student
             Maharashtra state government seems                                        Achievement Tracking
             to have overlooked the “heart of the                                      System (SATS). Data
             judgement”, i.e, that private indepen-                                    released by the Karnataka
             dent schools have a fundamental right   Suresh Kumar: convenient interpretation  department of primary
             to determine fees payable by parents.                                     and secondary education
                Unfortunately all too often parents’   (BPS), this decline in enrolment   on July 7, reveals that student enrol-
             communities  —  and  learned  judges   resulted in revenue loss of Rs.41.34   ment in schools (government, private
             — seem to overlook the reality that   crore to the 250 schools surveyed   aided and unaided) statewide dipped
             unlike government, private school   which levy average annual fees of   to around 62 percent in 2021-22 (cf.
             managements don’t have the deficit   Rs.20,000-40,000 per year. More-  70 percent in 2019-20) with gov-
             financing option.                over, of the 125,839 students who   ernment schools recording highest
                            Dipta Joshi (Mumbai)   were admitted in 2020-21, only 45   enrolment (76.86 percent) followed
                                              percent paid the full annual fee, 17   by private schools (43.77 percent).
               KARNATAKA                      percent paid 70 percent, 9 percent   ven though it’s common knowl-
             Urgency deficit                  less than 25 percent, with the re-  Eedge that budget private schools
                                              mainder 29 percent defaulting.
                                                                               have mushroomed countrywide
                                                Meanwhile, the state’s 21,000   as affordable refuges for children
                    lmost 15 months after the   private unaided (financially indepen-  fleeing dysfunctional government
                    country’s 1.5 million schools   dent) schools and the BJP state gov-  schools, hitherto primary educa-
             Aincluding 450,000 private       ernment are at loggerheads over the   tion minister, S. Suresh Kumar
             schools were ordered to shut down   quantum of fees payable by parents   interpreted this data as evidence that
             by the Central government on March   for the recently concluded academic   government schools are becom-
             25, 2020 to check the spread of the   year. In February, several private   ing popular again. “Admissions
             Covid-19 pandemic, several surveys   schools associations filed petitions in   in government schools have seen
             and reports are highlighting the   the Karnataka high court contesting   their biggest increase in the last 14
             extensive damage done to children’s   the constitutional validity of a Janu-  years. During the Covid-19 pan-
             education in terms of learning loss   ary 29 state government directive   demic, families from economically
             and children dropping out of the   to all private schools — including   weaker sections have turned towards
             school system. A survey report sub-  schools affiliated with pan-India   government schools. This is a silver
             mitted to the Karnataka high court   CBSE and CISCE exam boards —   lining,” he crowed, addressing the
             on July 16 by the Associated Man-  statewide to collect only 70 percent   media on July 8.
             agements of Primary and Secondary   of the tuition (and no other) fee for   Yet, the truth is that government
             Schools, Karnataka (KAMS) has re-  the academic year 2020-21.     school enrolments are rising because
             vealed that 60,094 students dropped   Spokespersons of the state’s   a large number of lower middle
             out of 250 private schools surveyed   private unaided schools say that   and working class households have
             statewide in the academic year ended   30-40 percent of parents haven’t   suffered severe income and employ-
             April 30, 2021. The survey found   paid full contracted fees for the past   ment loss and cannot afford even
             that the aggregate enrolment of   year (2020-21). As a result, fees   the modest tuition and other fees
             these schools plunged from 185,933   arrears owing to private schools   — the lowest worldwide — that BPS
             in 2019-20 to 125,839 in 2020-21, a   have accumulated to a massive   charge. And the major attraction for
             drop of 32 percent.              Rs.4,000-5,000 crore. They contend   low-income households devastated
                According to KAMS, which has a   that private schools, especially an es-  by mismanagement of the Covid-19
             membership of over 3,000 mostly   timated 16,000 BPS, are on the brink   pandemic, is the free mid-day meal
             low-priced budget private schools   of financial bankruptcy, stretched   provided to government school

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