Page 12 - EW August 2021
P. 12

Education News

               DELHI                                                           ter Nirmala Sitharaman’s subsequent
             Modest new hopes                                                  piece-meal relief packages. Totally

                                                                               ignorant of Inglish, the link language
                                                                               of India, by insisting on Hindi as
                                                                               the lingua franca of the ministry,
                                                                               he antagonised non-Hindi speaking
                                                                               bureaucrats from southern states
                                                                               working in the ministry. Moreover,
                                                                               he embarrassed the government and
                                                                               academia by holding forth on mythi-
                                                                               cal scientific achievements of ancient
                                                                               India in national and foreign forums
                                                                               (see p.82). Intellectually ill-equipped
                                                                               and indecisive, he presided over the
                                                                               longest total shutdown of all schools,
                                                                               colleges, universities and educa-
                                                                               tion institutes (because of the Covid
                                                                               pandemic) in Indian history during
                                                                               his two-year term in Shastri Bhavan,
                                                                                 “Ever since the days of Kapil
             New Union education minister Dharmendra Pradhan: better history & reputation  Sibal, Union education ministers
                                                                               have behaved as if they are ‘higher
                   he reconstitution of the union   Yuva Morcha (BJP youth wing),   education’ ministers. An obsession
                   council of ministers on July   has emerged as an important next   with IITs, IIMs, Central universities,
             T7 witnessed the induction of    generation leader of the ruling party   institutions of national importance,
             36 new ministers and 12, including   at the Centre.               and on entrance tests to the coveted
             several party heavyweights, dropped,   The education ministers of state   medical, engineering and manage-
             taking the effective strength of the   are Rajkumar Ranjan Singh   ment institutions has preoccupied
             council to 78, just three short of   from a royal clan of Manipur, an   the ministry for well over a decade...
             the maximum permitted 81. In this   educationist who worked for unity   School education, increasingly on the
             reshuffle, both Union ministers of   among the various tribes in the state;   fringe of policy attention, has slipped
             education (Ramesh Pokhriyal and   Annapurna Devi, former minister   further from public discourse. The
             junior minister Sanjay Dhotre) lost   of women and child development   pandemic has accentuated the
             their jobs. A new team headed by   of the Jharkhand state government   process of ‘educide’, slow but sure
             Dharmendra Pradhan has been      and Dr. Subhas Sarkar, a gynae-  murder of educational opportuni-
             entrusted with the tricky job of giv-  cologist and important leader of the   ties that has been happening for
             ing Indian education a makeover by   West Bengal unit of the BJP, which   quite some time. This must occupy
             implementing the new National Edu-  although it failed to oust Mamata   the new minister’s attention,” writes
             cation Policy (NEP), 2020 presented   Banerjee and the TMC government   Prof. Yogendra Yadav in The
             to the nation by Pokhriyal on July 29   in the recently concluded legislative   Print (July 14).
             last year.                       assembly election, has emerged as   Meanwhile, prime minister Modi’s
                Besides, Pradhan, promoted from   the largest opposition party in the   decision to bring skills under the
             the Union ministry of petroleum and   state.                      purview of the education ministry
             natural gas and steel, there are three   This strong team replaces a min-  has been widely welcomed, not least
             ministers of state for education.   istry headed by Hindi pulp fiction   because Pradhan is well-aware of the
             Moreover, Pradhan has also been al-  writer Pokhriyal, who during his   national skills education deficit hav-
             located the skills education ministry   two-year term proved an embarrass-  ing served as a junior skills minister
             making him the first education-cum-  ment for the BJP and the country.   for 15 months. Moreover as a youth
             skills minister of the country. An   During his tenure as education   leader, he recognises the importance
             anthropology graduate of Utkal Uni-  minister, he conspicuously failed   of skills development to address the
             versity, Odisha, Pradhan, a former   to get any allocation for education   country’s burgeoning unemployment
             national secretary of ABVP — the   from the prime minister’s reportedly   problem.
             students’ wing of the BJP — and a   Rs.20,000 crore pandemic relief   “In terms of being focused and
             former president of Bharatiya Janata   package, or any from finance minis-  getting things done, he has a better

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