Page 8 - EW August 2021
P. 8


             IMPRESSIVE ONLY BY INDIAN STANDARDS                               averaged a mere 3.5 percent of GDP
                                                                               for the past seven decades  cf. the
                                                                               global average of 5 percent and 7-10
                  hirty  years  after  the  defining   communist China rejected socialist   percent in developed OECD coun-
                  Union budget of July 24, 1991     economics and took the capitalist   ties. Indeed, the liberalisation and
             Tannounced overdue liberalisa-   road, the  national  and per capita   deregulation reforms of 1991 have
             tion and deregulation of the Indian   GDP of China and India were on a par.   completely by-passed the education
             economy by abolishing industrial li-  A mere four decades later — in our   sector, and instead of raising the
             censing and anti-monopolies legisla-  own lifetime — PRC’s national GDP is   country’s 1.20 million dysfunctional
             tion, slashing import duties, relaxing   $16 trillion and $10,000 per capita cf.   government schools to private school
             rules relating to international trade   India’s $3 trillion and $2,000. True,   standards, government educrats are
             and substantially released the ani-  the economic reforms of 1991 have   overly preoccupied with reducing In-
             mal spirits of the country’s millions   benefitted the Indian economy, but   dia’s 450,000 private schools — over-
             of natural entrepreneurs, cabined,   insufficiently.              whelmingly preferred by the middle
             cribbed and confined by half a cen-  That’s because the reforms are as   class — to public schools level. Regret-
             tury of licence-permit-quota raj, this   yet unfinished. Arguably the world’s   tably, most of the essays written by
             anniversary has received huge cover-  best natural entrepreneurs, India’s   eminent industry and academy lead-
             age in the media.                businessmen continue to be shackled   ers on this anniversary, also accord
                Undoubtedly substantial gains   and bound by a corrupt bureaucracy   peripheral importance to critically
             by way of higher per capita income,   steeped in obsolete socialist control-  important education upgradation and
             living standards, industrial and agri-  and-command ideology.     reform.
             culture production have been made   In particular, there is obstinate   This is why India’s accelerated
             during the past 30 years since liber-  refusal within the establishment and   development after the 1991 reforms
             alisation. But as usual, the tendency   middle class to acknowledge the vital   is  impressive  only  when  compared
             of public commentators is to compare   importance of quality education for   to its own dismal record. A reform-
             this country’s performance on these   all, as the precondition of national   resistant establishment that attaches
             and other development metrics with   development. Despite the country   low importance to developing our
             pre-1991 data. The proper metric is to   grudgingly hosting the world’s larg-  abundant human capital, and an apa-
             measure the impact of the reforms by   est child and youth population, an-  thetic middle class, has ensured this
             making international comparisons.   nual government (Centre plus states)   high-potential country remains an
                It’s a bitter truth that in 1978, when   expenditure on public education has   international also-ran.

             INDIA’S FAST HOLLOWING DEMOCRACY                                  the Central government-controlled
                                                                               National Investigation Agency.
                                                                                 Under the common law system of
                  he death of fr. stan swamy in a   Jesuit order who was working for the     jurisprudence adopted by indepen-
                  Mumbai hospital on July 5 has   upliftment of poor, neglected tribal   dent India, bail is the rule and jail the
             Tshone a powerful searchlight on   citizens in the deep hinterland of ru-  exception. But in this case, the ac-
             the rot pervading the country’s law   ral Maharashtra, was charged of fo-  cused have been detained in jail pend-
             and order and justice systems. That   menting sedition under the Unlawful   ing trial for terrorist acts, permitted
             the justice provision and administra-  Activities Prevention (Activities) Act,   under UAPA. That justices of several
             tion system has collapsed is widely   1967 (UAPA), as amended in 2008.  courts have accepted this argument
             known. A mountainous 30 million    The background of the case is that     is a marker of the extent to which the
             cases are pending in shabby courts of   on December 31, 2017, a group of ac-  country’s independent judiciary has
             law across the country. And it is not   tivists, political leaders including two   been suborned by the executive.
             at all unusual for legal disputes to re-  former high court judges convened in   Fr. Swamy’s case is also of great
             main pending in courts for decades.   Pune to commemorate the centenary   importance because it highlights the
             Despite this, India’s ratio of judges per   of the ‘Battle of Bhima Koregaon’ of   in-built cruelty and corruption of the
             million citizens is a mere 21 cf. 107 in   1818 when Dalit soldiers of the Brit-  country’s prison system. Despite his
             the US and 144 in communist China.   ish army, took on and bested troops   advanced age (84) and ill-health, Fr.
             Moreover, the country’s archaic civil   of the local Brahmin ruler, Peshwa   Swamy was denied ordinary humane
             and criminal justice procedure codes   Bajirao II. During the commemora-  facilities such as a straw to drink liq-
             have defied all reform efforts notwith-  tive event, street plays and speeches   uids, his prescribed medication and
             standing 277 Law Commission and   were made criticising the BJP/NDA   preferred hospital care. Fr. Swamy’s
             dozens of special committees reports.   governments of Delhi and Maharash-  legal murder highlights the need for
             The outcome of this shocking neglect   tra for anti-Dalit policies and discrimi-  urgent prison reforms starting with
             of the police-justice system is that ac-  nation. The celebrations were opposed   regular audits of the country’s jails by
             cused, often haphazardly charged with   by some forward caste groups and in   independent citizens’ groups.
             criminal offences, languish in jail for   violent clashes, one person was killed   India’s democratic system of gov-
             years pending trial.             and several injured. Cases were filed   ernance under rule of law is hollowing
                In this particular case Fr. Stan Swa-  against 16 prominent ‘leftist’ activists   out and in its lethargic, police-justice
             my, an ordained priest of the Christian   including Fr. Swamy under UAPA by   system, the process is the punishment.

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