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                         38                                                                             70

                  30 EDULEADERS                                                                INTERNATIONAL
                    WEATHERING                                                                         NEWS
             PANDEMIC TSUNAMI                                                                 UK: Imminent exams
                 The world’s longest                                                       Germany: Research video
                lockdown of schools                                                                       row
                   is likely to prove
                  disastrous for the                                                            China: Sword over
                 learning outcomes                                                            coaching institutions
                  of over 100 million                                                       India: Headless varsities
               children. However the                                                                 speculation
                 silver lining is that                                                           Colombia: School
                 a small minority of                                                             reopening pains
              education leaders have
              succeeded in devising                                                           OECD: Will schooling
                 creative responses                                                                     change

                                                        76                                              32

                                                     “I BELIEVE                             TOWARDS A LEVEL
                                              NEHRU’S GREATEST                               PLAYING FIELD IN
                                                FAILURE WAS TO                                    EDUCATION
                                               IGNORE PRIMARY                           If government can provide
              14                                   EDUCATION”                          (DBT) of Rs.2,250 per month
                                                                                          an education allowance

                                                Excerpts from an
                                                                                            per child to all Central
                                           interview with eminent                         government employees,
             EDUCATION NEWS                 India’s most respected                      for children of the poor? —
                                                                                          why can’t it do the same
                                              historian and one of
                                            public intellectuals, Dr.                      Geeta Gandhi Kingdon
             Delhi: Modest new hopes         Ramachandra  Guha
             Maharashtra: Unfortunate
             Karnataka: Urgency deficit                                       IN THIS ISSUE
             West Bengal: Brisk start
             Tamil Nadu: Confusing court   68                  Editorial           8  Young Achievers    66
                                        TEACHER-TO-TEACHER     Mailbox            10  Teacher-2-Teacher   68

             26                                                Education News     12  International News  70

             N.L. DALIMIA HIGH                                 Education Notes    22  Interview           76
             SCHOOL, THANE                                     Education Briefs   24   Books              78

             Promoted in 1991, NLDHS                           Institution Profile   26
             is ranked among top                                                      Postscript          82
             dozen co-ed day schools                           Expert Comment     32  Special  Partner’s  Message:
             of Maharashtra in the                                                    Digital Transformation —
             EducationWorld India                              Cove r Story       38  Reimagining  Education  34
             School Rankings 2020-21

             6    EDUCATIONWORLD   AUGUST 2021
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