Page 10 - EW August 2021
P. 10


                                              project-based learning and even the   massive education repair job ahead
                                              performing arts that are group-based   of us.
                                              activities. Locking children out from      Diya Dasgupta on EMAIL
                                              a school for 16 months confines the
                                              developing mind to a life sentence,
                                              pronounced by a thoughtless jury.   Get the name right!
                                                            Lionel Cranenburgh   WE ARE very honoured to be ranked
                                                           CEO, Shannon Quest  among the country’s Top 100 non-
                                                           WESTERN AUSTRALIA   autonomous colleges in the annual
                                                                               EducationWorld India Higher Edu-
                                                                               cation Rankings for the past three
                                              Beware normalcy illusion         years.
                                              LET’S GET real before asking to    However, every year the name
                                              reopen our schools (EW July cover   of our college is wrongly published
                                              story).                          as City College of Commerce and
                                                The only antidotes against     Business Administration (Umesh
                        JULY 2021             Covid-19 are vaccination, double   Chandra College) instead of Ume-
                                              masking, testing and tracking. With   schandra College. Please make a note
                                              our current vaccination coverage   and print our college name correctly
                                              at a dismal 3.8 percent of the   in future editions of the rankings
             Crime against children           population, we have a big score to   league tables.
             I READ your cover story demanding   catch up with and our run rate has to    Dr. Md. Tofzzzal Haque
             reopening of schools right away,   increase dramatically. Any illusion   Principal, Umeschandra College,
             online. I am an educator who had   of normalcy is not the right thing.                  KOLKATA
             only six years of uninterrupted   Vaccination coverage is slipping
             schooling. My father was an Indian   everyday. This is the house we need
             Army officer and we were transferred   to put in order, before attempting to   Mend syllabuses!
             to non-family stations every few   reopen schools.                I AM a regular reader of Education-
             months. I can avow, with deep regret   Manoj Chakravarti on E-MAIL  World. Your interview with author
             that broken education, especially                                 and academic Chinmay Tumbe (EW
             in early childhood, has lifelong                                  July) was an eye-opener. It is a rev-
             negative impact. Schools in Europe,   Massive repair job ahead    elation that between 1817-1920 the
             Canada and the US use numerous   I FULLY endorse your cover story   cholera, plague and influenza pan-
             strategies, and even ‘attendance   (EW July) which forcefully argues   demics killed an estimated 40 mil-
             officers’, to ensure that no child   for immediate reopening of schools   lion people in India. Yet it is amazing
             misses school without valid reason,   in India. The country’s 57-weeks-  how little we are taught about pan-
             as low attendance is a lifelong barrier   long closure of schools — the longest   demics in our history textbooks. This
             to learning.                     shutdown of education institutions   is why we are paying heavy price for
                With the Central and state    worldwide — has inflicted unimagi-  official and societal mismanagement
             governments in India having shut   nable damage to children’s education   of the current Coronavirus pandemic
             down schools for 57 weeks, it is   and their chances of successful fu-  sweeping the country.
             akin to a government-sanctioned   ture livelihoods. Many surveys have   Education ministry officials and
             crime against children. Technology-  highlighted that primary children’s   school examination boards should
             enabled learning is a tool; not a   learning loss is almost 70-80 percent   take note of this egregious omission
             complete solution. Children need   in 18 months, and learning gaps will   from history syllabuses. Learning
             individual, in-person attention that   accentuate as we delay reopening   from history is critical for prevent-
             a computer cannot provide. There’s   schools.                     ing and managing future pandemics
             a plethora of research studies that   Moreover, India’s huge digital   better.
             highlight the importance of physical   divide makes it impossible for chil-   Bansiprasad Dwivedi
             and instructional play for children   dren from low income households to                   NOIDA
             in pre-primary and kindergarten   access any real online learning. Many
             years. There are significant areas of   poor children have already dropped   This is a discussion and debates fo-
             children’s minds that are developed   out of the school system and it will   rum. Please send your points of views
             through collaborative learning   be a huge challenge to get them back   to
             with peers, discussion and debate,   into school and learning. We have a

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