Page 39 - EW August 2021
P. 39

Out-of-school children: most prolonged education institutions lockdown worldwide

             ered by untrained teachers on television screens, children   learning outcomes of millions of children. School education
             are learning enough to get by. The dominant sentiment is   should have been designated a frontline activity and decen-
             that political risk of children contracting the virus is too   tralised with committees of local government officials, prin-
             high and could cost ruling parties votes in future elections.   cipals and parents being empowered to reopen schools with
             Warnings by Unesco, Unicef and other reports that children   adequate safety protocols. The Central government should
             trailing behind by a year or more in primary education are   immediately issue guidelines to this effect. Even before the
             unlikely to recover lost ground and will suffer 10-15 percent   pandemic, ASER surveys indicated that more than 50 per-
             income loss in adulthood, don’t seem to bother politicians   cent of classes V-VII children in rural schools couldn’t read
             or educrats. They have kept schools shut with scant respect   and comprehend class II-III textbooks or solve age-appro-
             for the advice of epidemiologists and academics who ad-  priate math sums. When formal in-person classes resume,
             vocate cautious reopening of schools to protect the future   an additional 30-40 percent will have fallen behind. This
             careers and livelihoods of children.              will make things very difficult for teachers when in-person
                According to the Annual Status of Education Report   classes resume,” warns Kavita Anand, founder-director
             (October 2020) of the nationally respected Pratham Edu-  of Adhyayan Quality Education Services Ltd (estb.2011),
             cation Foundation, only one-third of India’s 260 million   a consultancy that has aided and advised 400 schools to
             school children are availing online education, of whom a   improve leadership and institutional governance.
             mere 11 percent in private and government schools were   However, the silver lining of the grim Covid tsunami
             attending online classes (in October 2020) with 21.5 per-  that has devastated industry, trade and the economy of the
             cent learning through videos and recorded lessons. A mere   country, is that a small minority of education leaders have
             8.1 percent of children in rural government schools were   succeeded in devising creative responses to the challenges
             attending online classes. Eight months on after the devas-  posed by the pandemic which has contracted the nation’s
             tating second wave of the pandemic (March-April), the data   GDP by an unprecedented 8 percent in fiscal 2020-21.
             is certain to be more depressing.                   Inevitably, the best response to the education disrup-
                “India’s 57-week closure of all education institutions and   tion caused by the Covid crisis has come from the coun-
             schools in particular, is likely to prove disastrous for the   try’s private institutions that are relatively well-funded and

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