Page 44 - EW August 2021
P. 44

Cover Story

             • All students returning for on-                                  corporations and business and other
             campus classes will have to submit                                professionals the world over will be
             RT-PCR test reports confirming                                    transacting most of their business
             Covid-19 ‘negative’ diagnosis.                                    remotely. It is wrong to compare
             • All students returning to the                                   digital with in-person face-to-face
             campus should have completed two                                  learning. It is like comparing Chinese
             doses of Covid-19 vaccination and                                 and Mughlai cuisine! Both have their
             must have consent from parents/                                   upsides. Therefore, the best solution
             guardians for returning to campus.                                is blended learning.
             • Students returning to campus must                               Should schools be reopened urgently?
             abide by all the Covid-19 proto-                                  How prepared are IIS schools for
             cols related to health and safety of                              on-campus classes? Schools should
             students, faculty and staff of the                                reopen only when children are
             university. Moreover, they will not be                            assured high degree of safety. There
             allowed to venture beyond campus                                  is need for caution, especially with
             premises through the entire duration                              the third wave of the Covid-19
             of their study programmes.                                        pandemic around the corner.
             What is your advice to government to                              Reopening school campuses and
             make up for academically lost ground in                           classes is dependent upon customer
             the pandemic era?                                                 perspective, i.e, parents’ sentiments.
             Vaccination roll-out strategies   has provided a valuable technology-  Most parents, and rightly so, are
             targeting selected groups should be   driven learning experience.   not ready to risk the lives of their
             rapidly expanded along with public   With blended learning, i.e,   children, even if there is a fractional
             health efforts to restore normalcy.   conventional classroom education   probability of danger to them. We
             Mass vaccination of students, faculty   supplemented with digital support,   have recently signed a partnership
             and staff in higher education institu-  set to become the new normal,   agreement with one of the country’s
             tions are not without precedent. Cor-  we have developed best blended   most respected hospital chains to
             nell University, USA has mandated   learning practices. For instance, by   ensure that all our teachers and
             vaccination for all campus residents   way of synchronous learning, i.e,   staff are fully vaccinated and our
             and visitors.                    compacting the syllabus and focusing   campuses are completely safe.
                This will restore learning con-  on essentials. With the onset of the   Meanwhile, it’s important that
             tinuity and safeguard even against   knowledge revolution driven by   children are also vaccinated.
             asymptomatic transmission. We    the Internet and new challenges of   Advice to digitally under-served schools.
             believe that on-campus residential   the Industrial Revolution 4.0, all   Of the 196 million children in el-
             education is best because it provides   curriculums need heavy pruning and   ementary education, 146 million live
             experiential learning and co/extra-  focus on essentials, especially design   in rural India, where IT infrastruc-
             curricular activities that are impos-  thinking and digital fluency. I am   ture is almost non-existent. While it
             sible to replicate virtually.    fairly satisfied that our quick and   may be possible to provide them with
                                              sustained shift to online learning has   cheap or re-furbished computing
                                              sharpened the critical thinking skills
             Lt. Gen. Arjun Ray               and creativity of our students.   devices, the real challenge is Inter-
                                                                               net connectivity. This is what the
             CEO, Indus Trust                 Main factors behind smooth switch to   Central and state governments have
                                              sustained online learning and classes.   to provide them with. Right now,
                  en (Retd.) Arjun Ray, PVSM,   The key factor was our early realisa-  there is no evidence this challenge is
                  VSM is chief executive and   tion that online teaching-learning   being given serious attention. Mas-
             Gmanaging director of the Indus   cannot be conducted in the same   sive loss of learning is happening in
             Trust (regst.2001) that has promoted   manner as conventional classroom   rural India which is likely to retard
             the top-ranked, IB (Geneva)-affil-  teaching. To do so is counter-pro-  the cognitive and creative growth of
             iated Indus International Schools   ductive and harms student engage-  a huge proportion of our children.
             in Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Pune   ment. This awareness was followed   It’s insufficiently understood in
             which have an aggregate 2,900    by intensive research into online   government and society that in the
             children from over 30 countries   education and experimentation until   21st century, international competi-
             mentored by 450 teachers on their   we got it right.              tion is not between political and
             muster rolls.                    Downsides of online education and   economic, but education systems. In
                                                                               this emerging scenario, India is at a
             Degree of satisfaction with forced switch   percentage of learning loss. There   serious disadvantage.
             to online learning. Notwithstanding   are no downsides or learning loss.   Advice to government to make up for
             poor IT infrastructure in India, and   Digital-enabled learning is an
             loss of more than one year of learn-  alternative form of education that   lost learning during the pandemic. The
                                                                               only solution is a national shift to new
             ing for most children, for the Indus   stimulates non-linear creativity and
             International schools in Bengaluru,   critical thinking. It’s important to   technologies-enabled blending learn-
                                                                               ing, and compacting school syllabuses.
             Hyderabad and Pune, the pandemic   appreciate that in the near future,

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