Page 48 - EW August 2021
P. 48

Cover Story

             Abhishek Gupta                   person learning. What are the down-  Government agencies — UGC,
                                              sides of online education? What is the    AICTE, MCI — should devise special
             Pro chancellor, Jagran Lakecity   percentage of learning loss?    training programmes for faculty and
             University, Bhopal               Inevitably, there is loss in terms of   teachers to enable them to switch to
                                              development of interpersonal skills   digital education, and also stretch
                                              and ability to understand emotions.   academic semesters to make up for
                                              Teaching online is a different art and   lost learning.
                                              if faculty teach using offline pedago-
                                              gies, then surely there will be big   Any other comment?
                                              learning loss.                   The Central and state governments
                                                                               should stop prescribing common
                                              Are you ready for in-person classes at   norms for public and private uni-
                                              JLU? What safety precautions have you   versities. They have totally different
                                              instituted?                      administrative systems, processes
                                              Yes. JLU is completely ready for   and procedures.
                                              in-person classes. All our faculty
                                              and staff are vaccinated and also 65
                                              percent of our students. Apart from   Manit Jain
                                              that, all Covid protocols relating to   Co-founder, Heritage Group of
                                              sanitisation of premises, distancing,   schools
                                              masking etc have been drawn up in
                                              detail and we are prepared for the
                                              worst situation. We are aware that      anit Jain is co-founder of the
                                              every public health pandemic has a      Heritage Group of four K-12
                                              four-five year cycle and we need to   Mschools in Delhi NCR with
                   bhishek Gupta is pro chancel-  be vigilant and devise safety proto-  an aggregate enrolment of 3,467 stu-
                   lor of the privately-promoted   cols accordingly.           dents. In the latest EW India School
             AJagran Lakecity University,                                      Rankings 2020-21, the group’s show-
             Bhopal (JLU, estb. 2015), which has   The JLU Group also runs several DPS   piece Heritage Xperiential Learning
             2,432 students and 230 faculty on   schools in MP. How well have they been   School, Gurugram is ranked India’s
             it muster rolls and member, board   able to manage the pandemic mandated   #1 co-ed day school.
             of management of four DPS schools   closure of K-12 schools?
             (Bhopal, Indore, Kolar Road, Rau) in   To the same extent as JLU. In our   Degrees of satisfaction with Heritage
                                                                               Xperiential’s switch to the online mode
             Madhya Pradesh.                  schools as well, we have invested
                                              heavily in digital infrastructure and   of learning. Heritage Xperiential was
             All education institutions have been   technology and teacher training, to   one of the first schools countrywide
             shuttered for the past 16 months to   ensure learning continuity as also   to transition to virtual learning when
             check the spread of the pandemic and   to provide counselling services to   the pandemic struck. This transition
             learning has moved online. To what   students and parents thus ensuring   was comparatively smooth for our
             extent have you succeeded in switching   that the latter supplement classroom   teachers and students as the school
             JLU to online teaching-learning?     with home learning.          had already invested substantially
             As soon as all education institutions                             in strengthening its technology
             were ordered to be shut down in   Once on-campus classes begin, what are   infrastructure, as well as teacher
             mid-March, 2020, we took decisive   your remedial education plans?  training. Our smooth and seamless
             action. We integrated GoogleMeet   We are all awaiting reopening of   transition to online learning is
             into our LMS (learning manage-   our campuses. First, students will   reflected not only in high attendance
             ment system). Thanks to our robust   need to get back into the habit of   and participation in online classes,
             technology partner, all our classes   sitting long hours in classrooms.   but also satisfactory learning
             went online within seven days.   Therefore, classroom learning will be   outcomes of students and heart-
             Simultaneously, we also integrated   made more interesting than before   warming feedback from parents.
             proctored examinations into our   and children will need counselling.   Experience of other schools in
             LMS. By responding quickly and   Moreover, focus on redeveloping soft
             decisively to the pandemic chal-  skills and practical lab work will be   the Heritage Group, viz, Heritage
                                                                               International, Heritage Rohini and
             lenge, we were able to complete the   important priorities.
             2020-21 academic syllabus, conduct   What is your advice to government to   Heritage Vasant Kunj. The substantial
             our exams online and declare results   make up for academically lost ground in   investment we made in all our
             on schedule. Indeed, we were the   the pandemic era?              schools much before the pandemic,
             first university in Madhya Pradesh to   Universities should be allowed to   ensured their readiness in terms
             conduct and complete examinations   reopen because students in this cat-  of technology infrastructure and
             in June. We also collaborated with   egory are above 18 years and eligible   digital pedagogies usage. All our
             Microsoft (India) to take all our labs   for vaccination. Moreover, govern-  schools have developed customised
             virtual to ensure that practicals were   ment should mandate that only   LMS (learning management
             not hampered for students.       vaccinated students will be allowed   systems), used regularly so teachers
                                                                               and students are familiar with it.
             Online learning can never replace in-  on college and university campuses.

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